vmware / network-config-manager

Network configuration manager is utility for easily configuring networking on a linux system
35 stars 10 forks source link
systemd systemd-networkd



What is nmctl

The network-config-manager nmctl allows to configure and introspect the state of the network links as seen by systemd-networkd. nmctl can be used to query and configure devices's for Address, Routes, Gateways, DNS, NTP, domain, hostname. nmctl also allows to create virtual NetDev (VLan, VXLan, Bridge, Bond) etc. It also allows to configure link's various configuration such as WakeOnLanPassword, Port, BitsPerSecond, Duplex and Advertise etc. nmctl uses sd-bus, sd-device APIs to interact with systemd, systemd-networkd, systemd-resolved, systemd-hostnamed, and systemd-timesyncd via dbus. nmctl uses networkd verbs to explain output. nmctl can generate configurations for required network links from YAML description. It also understands kernel command line specified in dracut's network configuration format and can generate systemd-networkd's configuration while the system boots and will persist between reboots.



Please see systemd.link for more information.

Allow to generates systemd-networkd's configuration


Building from source.

➜  ~ meson build
➜  ~ ninja -C build
➜  ~ sudo ninja -C build install

Or by simply doing

❯ make
❯ sudo make install

Building in photon OS.

❯ git clone git@github.com:vmware/network-config-manager.git
❯ cd network-config-manager
❯ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vmware/photon/master/SPECS/network-config-manager/network-config-manager.spec
❯ sudo rpmspec -q --srpm --requires network-config-manager.spec | sudo xargs -d '\n' tdnf -y install
❯ make
❯ sudo make install

Use cases

➜  ~ nmctl --help

Howto get started with nmctl


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