Script reports traffic usage in current month (from vnstat tool)
# install vnstat
sudo apt-get install vnstat
# modify config to your liking (default config is ok)
sudo nano /etc/vnstat.conf
# start service
sudo systemctl enable vnstat.service
sudo systemctl start vnstat.service
# check service status
sudo systemctl status vnstat.service
# check that vnstat is working
1) Clone repo
cd ~
mkdir vnstat-watchdog # change it if you want
cd vnstat-watchdog
git clone
cd tg-vnstat-monitor-bot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2) Make a run-script like this at ~/vnstat-watchdog/
set -euo pipefail
export LIMIT_GIB=1024 # 1TB is default non-billed limit on DigitalOcean
export INTERFACE=eth0
export TOKEN=<your telegram bot token>
export TG_CHAT_ID=<your telegram chat id>
set -x
cd tg-vnstat-monitor-bot
# git pull # auto-update repo
3) Add to cron
# every day at 13:00. see:*_*_*
# assuming that /home/user/ is your $HOME.
0 13 * * * cd /home/user/vnstat-watchdog && ./ > /dev/null