vn-tools / arc_unpacker

CLI tool for extracting images and sounds from visual novels.
GNU General Public License v3.0
561 stars 83 forks source link

arc_unpacker - the visual novel extractor

arc_unpacker is a command line tool for extracting images, sounds, music and miscellaneous resources from visual novels (and some other Japanese games).


Drag and drop the archive or file onto arc_unpacker. It will guess the format and unpack it for you.


  1. The file format might be detected by two or more decoders at once. In such cases you need to tell the program which one to use by supplying --dec=... option.

  2. The file might need more parameters to be correctly unpacked. In such cases you need to supply them manually. For example, XP3 archives need --plugin that tells what kind of decryption to use. To tell it to use Fate/Stay Night decryption, supply --dec=krkr/xp3 --plugin=fsn.

To learn what parameter your game needs, you can either use --help to see all available parameters, or refer to your game details in the game list that lists all required parameters for every supported game.

To learn how to pass parameters to arc_unpacker, refer to this question.

