vnu / Tip-Smart

Smart Tip Calculator
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Tip-Smart - Smart Tip Calculator

Tip Smart

A smart way to calculate your tip. Based on my personal past tipping preference, the Tip smart has the following features

Future Features

Installation & Testing Instructions

The app in the master branch was developed for iPhone 5s. I did not set auto layouts or other size classes. I tested completely in portait mode.
However, I have another branch called autolayout that has the auto layout and uses size classes. Both the branches will not work in landscape mode. They work only with portait mode. I tested it through emulator and have been using my app on my iPhone 6 plus for all my tip Calculations :)


This is a Tip Calculator application for iOS submitted as the pre-assignment requirement for CodePath.

Time spent: 10 hours


User Bill, Split Bill and Settings update

Video Walkthrough required

Locale update and stored state

Video Walkthrough optional

Whole app walkthrough

Video Walkthrough whole

GIF created with LiceCap.