voidpenguin-28 / Textractor-ExtraExtensions

Several useful Textractor extensions, which are not available by default in Textractor.
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cpp games gpt gpt-3 gpt-4 python textractor visual-novel


This repo provides several useful Textractor extensions created by me, which are not available by default in Textactor.

Textractor is a tool used to extract text from video games and visual novels in real-time, often used to leverage translation tools to read text in other languages.

All extension releases can be found here.

Here is a list of currently available extensions:

  1. GptApiTranslate: Leverages the GPT Completions API to translate text/lines, with a reasonable degree of flexibility in configuration.

  2. VndbCharNameMapper: Auto-maps character names from Japanese to Romaji using the character database of vndb.org for specified visual novels.

  3. TextLogger: Provides the capability to write text from each/any thread/hook to a log file. This essentially allows you to export data/text piped by Textractor.

  4. PythonInterpretter: Allows you to write and use python scripts in Textractor. This is essentially the equivalent of a python Textractor extension. Below are python scripts currently available from this repo.

    1. Example Script: Merely an example of how to implement a python script compatible with this extension. The code itself merely prepends an incrementing number to the currently processed sentence.
    2. JP to Romaji: Leverages NLP to append the romaji form of the currently processed sentence.
  5. TranslationCache: Provides an extension-agnostic way to cache real-time translations (to a cache file), to prevent re-processing previously translated lines. Should work with most translation extensions, including "GptApiTranslate".

Documentation for each extension is available in their corresponding page in this repo.