volkamerlab / klifs_utils

Utility functions to work with KLIFS data
MIT License
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This package has been moved to and extended in the opencadd package.

Please checkout the documention for the new package here.

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Utility functions to work with KLIFS data


The klifs_utils package offers functions to interact with data from KLIFS (remotely and locally).

What is KLIFS and who created it?

Kinase-Ligand Interaction Fingerprints and Structures database (KLIFS), developed at the Division of Medicinal Chemistry - VU University Amsterdam, is a database that revolves around the protein structure of catalytic kinase domains and the way kinase inhibitors can interact with them


  1. Download GitHub repo:

    git clone https://github.com/volkamerlab/klifs_utils.git

    The library lives now in this example path /path/to/klifs_utils.

  2. Install and activate conda environment klifs_utils:

    cd /path/to/klifs_utils/devtools/conda_envs/
    conda env create -f env.yaml
    conda activate klifs_utils
  3. Install library in conda environment while being in path /path/to:

    pip install klifs_utils

Alternative if you already have the klifs_utils environment installed:

pip install https://github.com/volkamerlab/klifs_utils/archive/master.tar.gz


Check out the klifs_utils tutorial (Jupyter notebook):


Work with KLIFS data from KLIFS server (remotely)

The klifs_utils.remote module offers you to access KLIFS data from the KLIFS server.

This module uses the official KLIFS API: https://klifs.vu-compmedchem.nl/swagger.

Work with KLIFS data from disc (locally)

The klifs_utils.local module offers you to access KLIFS data from the KLIFS server. In order to make use of the module's functionality, you need a KLIFS download folder KLIFS_download with the following structure:

└── KLIFS_download
    ├── KLIFS_export.csv           # Metadata file
    ├── overview.csv               # Metadata file
    └── HUMAN                      # Species name
        ├── AAK1                   # Kinase name
        │   ├── 4wsq_altA_chainA   # PDB ID, alternate model ID, chain ID
        │   │   ├── complex.mol2
        │   │   ├── ligand.mol2
        │   │   ├── protein.mol2
        │   │   ├── pocket.mol2
        │   │   └── water.mol2
        │   └── ...
        └── ...

Download KLIFS data from: https://klifs.vu-compmedchem.nl

Library structure

The libraries structure looks like this, trying have the same API for both modules local and remote (whenever possible):

├── local/
│   ├── coordinates/
│   │   ├── complex.py
│   │   ├── ligand.py
│   │   ├── protein.py
│   │   ├── pocket.py
│   │   └── water.py
│   ├── initialize.py
│   ├── interactions.py
│   ├── kinases.py
│   ├── ligands.py
│   └── structures.py
├── remote/
│   ├── coordinates/
│   │   ├── complex.py
│   │   ├── ligand.py
│   │   ├── protein.py
│   │   └── pocket.py
│   ├── interactions.py
│   ├── kinases.py
│   ├── ligands.py
│   └── structures.py
└── util.py

This structure mirrors the KLIFS Swagger API structure in the following way to access different kinds of information both remotely and locally:

Note: In order to use the local module, it is necessary to initialize a metadata file (local.initialize module).


Copyright (c) 2020, Volkamer Lab


Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.1.