voltatek / alliance_auth_docker

Docker stack with Traefik for Alliance Auth
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 5 forks source link
allianceauth docker eveauth eveonline mysql





The docker image is ready to use if you understand docker yourself and

image: milleruk/allianceauth


This Repo assumes you have Traefik installed and understand how to use it.

I have created a stack ready for production here and


Installing Docker Stack:

Clone the Repo to your own server

git clone https://github.com/milleruk/alliance_auth_docker.git

edit the conf/local.py for your eve api and mysql info and reflect the mysql info in docker-compose.yml

edit setup.sql to reflect the database settings you have added above, This is a start up script that will create the base database on MYSQL Docker startup


Please see here for CORE features and services

Features - https://allianceauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/features/

Services - https://allianceauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/services/

edit .env to reflect the subdomain and domain name you are choosing for auth to be installed on

run docker-compose up -d to bring the docker stack online

run docker-compose logs -f --tail=20

When the images have finished downloading and are running

run the following command to enter in the data to the database

docker exec -it aa-auth python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate && python manage.py collectstatic && /usr/bin/supervisord

Once this has completed we are now going to create our SuperUser

run docker exec -it aa-auth python manage.py createsuperuser

And we are done!

Updating Auth:

Run the following commands in the following order

docker exec -it aa-auth pip install --upgrade allianceauth

docker exec -it aa-auth allianceauth update /home/allianceserver/myauth

docker exec -it aa-auth python manage.py migrate

docker exec -it aa-auth python manage.py collectstatic

docker exec -it aa-auth supervisorctl restart myauth:

Installing Plugins:

To install plugins run the following commands depending on which plugin you are using


docker exec -it aa-auth pip install git+https://github.com/########## Replacing # with the location of the git repo


docker exec -it aa-auth pip install ######## Replacing # with the plugin pip name

Add 'PLUGIN NAME' to INSTALLED_APPS in your conf/local.py settings.

Run migrations and restart your AA server

docker exec -it aa-auth python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate && python manage.py collectstatic && /usr/bin/supervisord