voorhoede / head-start

Base setup on top of headless services to help you quickly start a new website
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Contributing guidelines #65

Closed jbmoelker closed 7 months ago

jbmoelker commented 8 months ago

User story

As a Head Start maintainer, I want to provide contribution guidelines, to welcome and streamline contributions by others


Related issues

WesselSmit commented 7 months ago

A way of how to facilitate discussions and treat other human beings to keep discussions civilised? Or is this already included in the Head Start philosophy?

jbmoelker commented 7 months ago

Yup, good point. Maybe should add a Code of Conduct too. I raised that here as well: https://github.com/voorhoede/.github/issues/6

And no, philosophy is only on starting points for tech: https://github.com/voorhoede/head-start#philosophy

Siilwyn commented 7 months ago

Contributing guidelines and code of conduct are two different things. I think the latter isn't really needed until you have a decent sized community where it's handy to be able to point people that break rules to a code of conduct. The https://www.contributor-covenant.org/ is a solid option. (Also I think participating on GH already means you agree to some code of conduct afaik)

As for contributing guidelines I've got a nice template to start from: https://github.com/voorhoede/open-source-project/blob/nodejs-package/contributing.md

Its missing project-specifics like tips and maybe the need to open an issue before creating a PR, etc.