voorhoede / head-start

Base setup on top of headless services to help you quickly start a new website
ISC License
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Head Start

Base setup on top of headless services to help you quickly start a new website


* We'll leave the choice for a JS framework and strategy for styling to developers using Head Start for their project.


Current status: Head Start is suitable for internal use by De Voorhoede.

Progress can also be tracked on the Head Start project board.


The site is created as lightweight progressively enhanced website connected to a headless CMS:

    init: {
        'theme': 'base',
        'themeVariables': {
            'edgeLabelBackground': '#FFFFFF',
            'lineColor': '#0000FF',
            'mainBkg': '#FFFFFF',
            'primaryBorderColor': '#0000FF',
            'primaryTextColor': '#000000',
            'tertiaryColor': '#FFFED9'

flowchart LR
    Repository(Code repository)

        Hosting(Cloudflare Pages)
        CMS -- publish --> Hosting

    Repository -- git commit --> Hosting

    Repository -. migrate .-> CMS

%% you can edit this diagram via https://mermaid.live/edit

Getting started

Follow the step-by-step getting started instructions.


All documentation is located in docs/:


All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command (npm run ...) Action
dev Starts local dev server at localhost:4323 (head in T9)
build Build your production site to ./dist/
preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
astro ... Run commands like astro add (see astro -- --help)
create Scaffold new Block, Component, API or Page route
lint Check code style and valide HTML output


Head Start welcomes contributions of any size and skill level. See our contribution guidelines.


Head Start is made with ❤️ by De Voorhoede. Released under ISC License.