voorhoede / head-start

Base setup on top of headless services to help you quickly start a new website
ISC License
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License #69

Closed jbmoelker closed 6 months ago

jbmoelker commented 8 months ago

User story

As a Voorhoede customer, I want Head Start to have a permissive license, so that when it's used for my project, I'm not vendor-locked.

As De Voorhoede BV (limited), we want Head Start to have a restrictive license, so that we can protect our intellectual property and profit from our competitive advantage.

As De Voorhoede, certified B Corp, we want Head Start to have a permissive license, so that we can contribute back to society and the open source community.

WesselSmit commented 7 months ago

I think some more specifics are needed. What would you want to dis(allow) in a license to 'protect our intellectual property and profit from our competitive advantage'?

If I look at https://choosealicense.com/licenses/ I see the following statement "Open source licenses grant permission for anybody to use, modify, and share licensed software for any purpose, subject to conditions preserving the provenance and openness of the software." Leading me to believe that open sourcing and 'protecting our intellectual property and profit from our competitive advantage' don't exactly go hand in hand unless 'disclosure of source' satisfies those needs. Unless we want to go the route of license keys, but this doesn't really seem open source to me.

WesselSmit commented 7 months ago

I would say that the following 2 conditions would seem logical to me:

jbmoelker commented 7 months ago

Those are some good points @WesselSmit! Does narrow it down, but also still leaves us with quite a few options. Wondering why would we have preference for a specific one. @Siilwyn maybe has an opinion?

Siilwyn commented 7 months ago

Basically what Wessel said, I always use the choosealicense.com website too. :)

Especially disclosing the source & keeping the license are important in this case. A really common/popular license is GNU GPLv3, which also requires to state the changes. Otherwise Mozilla Public License 2.0 could be an option that doesn't require to state changes.

*Edit: actually GNU AGPLv3 might fit better since we're talking about networked access I think :thinking: