voorhoede / head-start

Base setup on top of headless services to help you quickly start a new website
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Favicon.ico #70

Closed jbmoelker closed 6 months ago

jbmoelker commented 8 months ago

We use DatoCMS 'SEO Preferences' (/editor/settings) to manage a project's favicon image. The DatoCMS API then enables us to use that image for various favicon and other icon meta tags.

However it does not produce a favicon.ico (DatoCMS' image service Imgix doesn't support .ico as an output format) which is often a file a browser looks for (and often shows up as 404 in analytics). So should we generate a favicon.ico during build-time (using some npm package)?

jbmoelker commented 6 months ago

Suggestion for package png-to-ico: pure JS, only dependency is on the popular pngjs package.

jbmoelker commented 6 months ago

Discussed with @Siilwyn and @decrek that the situation in which the favicon from DatoCMS is not served is very rare and not worth adding extra tooling (and complexity) for. Simplest alternative would be using a very tiny favicon.ico as placeholder. But for now, I'm simply closing this issue.