voorhoede / head-start

Base setup on top of headless services to help you quickly start a new website
ISC License
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Changelog and versioning #86

Open jbmoelker opened 7 months ago

jbmoelker commented 7 months ago

User story

As a developer using Head Start for my project, I want a clear list of changes when there's a newer version of Head Start available, so that I know if it's worth (new features vs breaking changes) updating my project to a newer version.

System design

jbmoelker commented 5 months ago

Since Head Start is a starterkit template rather than a package, semver might not be most suitable. As basically every change is an API change. Maybe we can still use Changesets, but with a custom changelog format so our CHANGELOG.md could look something like this:

# Head Start Changelog

## 2024-01-31 <!-- date of merge to main, rather than semver -->

* [#30](https://github.com/voorhoede/head-start/pull/30) adds new Table Block, see its readme for details.
* [#127](https://github.com/voorhoede/head-start/pull/127) fix routing in Preview Mode, ...

## 2024-01-16

* ...