vorghahn / iptv4plex

IPTV m3u8 Proxy for Plex Live TV & DVR
GNU General Public License v3.0
64 stars 16 forks source link


IPTV m3u8 Proxy for Plex Live TV & DVR


Python 3:

Linux: sudo apt install python3-pip python3-tk

Mac: brew install python (https://brew.sh/)

Windows: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/


Linux: sudo apt install ffmpeg jq

Mac: brew install ffmpeg jq (brew install)

Windows: https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ (You will need to tell the proxy where FFMPEG is installed, it should be the full path to the exe ie. c:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe).


Note: You need apply any auto-start strategy depending your operating system and setup.

Linux: via PIP: pip3 install iptv4plex --no-cache-dir


cd ~/
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/vorghahn/iptv4plex.git iptv4plex
python3 iptv4plex.py

Windows: via Powershell:

cd $ENV:UserProfile
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/vorghahn/iptv4plex.git iptv4plex
cd iptv4plex
Start-Process -argument "python ./iptv4plex.py" -Wait


There are two versions of the app, one written in .py and one in .exe. The executable is a simple compiled version of the python source and has no requirements.

Operation Instructions:

On first execution you will be prompted with a GUI or otherwise a series of terminal prompts. Alternatively you can generate a proxysettings.json file for automation purposes.

Linux: Execute .py

Mac: Execute .py

Windows: Execute .py


You will need to enter an IP address, Is recommended to use a static IP on your server there the app is running, ie. 192.168.X.X, this is required because Plex doesn't seem to like!

You will need to enter a port number, use 5004 or alternatively 80 only.

You are able to add more than one m3u8/xmltv by using the add another source button in the GUI or concatenating the strings with a semicolon if using terminal (ie http://www.1.m3u8;http://www.2.m3u8). For each m3u8 you can determine the maximum number of connections to that particular IPTV source at once, if in doubt enter 6. M3u8 can be local files or URLs. If you only have one EPG url then leave the others as blank, do not just put the same one in multiple times. Ensure you delete the sample url though!


1- ip:port/                   Combined output for Plex.
2- ip:port/playlist.m3u8      Combined m3u8 output for other uses.
3- ip:port/epg.xml            Combined xml output for Plex and other uses.
4- ip:port/channels.html      Web page menu.

Plex setup guide: imgur link

Plex Setup part1

Plex Setup part2

Plex Setup part3

Plex Setup part4

Plex Setup part5

Plex Setup part6

Plex Setup part7

Plex Setup part8

Each m3u8 (entered by comma separated values) you enter also has it's own individual tuner as described next:

ip:port/0                  *The combined output and is the same as ip:port/
ip:port/1                  *Output of first m3u8 source only
ip:port/2                  *Output of second m3u8 source only
ip:port/3                  *Output of third m3u8 source only

This way you can add each IPTV source to Plex as a separate tuner and it will then utilise the Max Tuner Limits. Max Tuner Limits ONLY affect individual tuners and NOT the master/combined tuner.

Notes: All settings are saved into proxysettings.json and can be edited later or if deleted will prompt the GUI again on next start up. Channel filtering is saved in cache/channels.json.

Command line arguments:

-h help
-d debug
-hl headless, will disable the GUI

Running as Daemon

Flask can't run easily as daemon root but you can specify the user

pip3 install flask
sudo cp -R iptv4plex /usr/iptv4plex.service
sudo chmod +x /usr/iptv4plex.service/iptv4plex.daemon
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/iptv4plex.service

copy/edit as bellow

Description=iptv4plex daemon



enable Service autostart

sudo systemctl enable iptv4plex.service


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