voutasaurus / comp-neuro

Computational Neuroscience in Julia and Octave
Apache License 2.0
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Computational Neuroscience

A) Julia

1) Install Julia (http://julialang.org/downloads/)

B) MATLAB file support

1) Run julia REPL and add packages for reading matlab data files


2) In Julia code:

using MAT
vars = matread("filename.mat")
# vars is now a dictionary of the variables defined in filename.mat

For more MAT functions and documentation see https://github.com/simonster/MAT.jl

C) iJulia

1) Download and install Anaconda

a) http://continuum.io/downloads#py34

b) Run installer.

c) Set tick boxes for:

Adding Anaconda to System path Registering Anaconda as default Python version

d) Do not use Enthought Canopy/EPD

2) Update ipython (from command line)

conda update conda
conda update ipython ipython-notebook ipython-qtconsole

3) Run julia REPL and add pkgs for iJulia:


4) Run julia REPL and start an iJulia notebook

using IJulia