vovgou / loxodon-framework

An MVVM & Databinding framework that can use C# and Lua to develop games
MIT License
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mvvm unity unity-mvvm

Loxodon Framework(Unity-MVVM)

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MVVM and Databinding for Unity3d(C# & XLua & ILRuntime)

Developed by Clark

Requires Unity 2018.4 or higher.

LoxodonFramework is a lightweight MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) framework specifically crafted for Unity3D. It includes data binding and various useful components. The framework's performance is meticulously optimized, avoiding value type boxing and unboxing, minimizing garbage collection overhead. It utilizes dynamic delegates/static code weaving techniques to ensure comparable performance between data binding and direct invocation, zero garbage collection during UI view updates, and more. Additionally, it has been validated in projects, demonstrating superior performance, stability, and reliability with a clear, extensible architecture. We hope it can contribute to making your game development faster and more effortless.

For tutorials,examples and support,please see the project.You can also discuss the project in the Unity Forums.

The plugin is compatible with MacOSX,Windows,Linux,UWP,WebGL,IOS and Android,and provides all the source code of the project.

If you like this framework or think it is useful, please write a review on AssetStore or give me a STAR or FORK it on Github, thank you!

Tested in Unity 3D on the following platforms:


For detailed installation steps, please refer to the installation documentation.

English manual

Key Features:



Quick Start

Create a view and view model of the progress bar.

public class ProgressBarViewModel : ViewModelBase
    private string tip;
    private bool enabled;
    private float value;
    public ProgressBarViewModel()

    public string Tip
        get { return this.tip; }
        set { this.Set<string>(ref this.tip, value, nameof(Tip)); }

    public bool Enabled
        get { return this.enabled; }
        set { this.Set<bool>(ref this.enabled, value, nameof(Enabled)); }

    public float Value
        get { return this.value; }
        set { this.Set<float>(ref this.value, value, nameof(Value)); }

public class ProgressBarView : UIView
    public GameObject progressBar;
    public Text progressTip;
    public Text progressText;
    public Slider progressSlider;

    protected override void Awake()
        var bindingSet = this.CreateBindingSet<ProgressBar, ProgressBarViewModel>();

        bindingSet.Bind(this.progressBar).For(v => v.activeSelf).To(vm => vm.Enabled).OneWay();
        bindingSet.Bind(this.progressTip).For(v => v.text).To(vm => vm.Tip).OneWay();
        bindingSet.Bind(this.progressText).For(v => v.text)
            .ToExpression(vm => string.Format("{0:0.00}%", vm.Value * 100)).OneWay();
        bindingSet.Bind(this.progressSlider).For(v => v.value).To(vm => vm.Value).OneWay();


IEnumerator Unzip(ProgressBarViewModel progressBar)
    progressBar.Tip = "Unziping";
    progressBar.Enabled = true;//Display the progress bar

    for(int i=0;i<30;i++)
        //TODO:Add unzip code here.

        progressBar.Value = (i/(float)30);            
        yield return null;

    progressBar.Enabled = false;//Hide the progress bar
    progressBar.Tip = "";        

Tutorials and Examples


Contact Us

Email: yangpc.china@gmail.com
Website: https://vovgou.github.io/loxodon-framework/
QQ Group: 622321589 15034148