voxpupuli / metadata-json-lint

Tool to check the validity of Puppet metadata.json files
Apache License 2.0
29 stars 27 forks source link


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The metadata-json-lint tool validates and lints metadata.json files in Puppet modules against style guidelines from the Puppet Forge module metadata recommendations.


metadata-json-lint is tested on Ruby 2.7 to 3.3. The the authoritative source, check the required_ruby_version attribute in the gemspec file.


via gem command:

gem install metadata-json-lint

via Gemfile:

gem 'metadata-json-lint'


Testing with metadata-json-lint

On the command line, run metadata-json-lint with the path of your metadata.json file:

metadata-json-lint /path/to/metadata.json

Testing with metadata-json-lint as a Rake task

If you are already using puppet_spec_helper, the 'validate' task already includes metadata-json-lint.

You can also integrate metadata-json-lint checks into your tests using the Rake task. Add require 'metadata-json-lint/rake_task' to your Rakefile, and then run:

rake metadata_lint

To set options for the Rake task, include them when you define the task:

require 'metadata_json_lint'
task :metadata_lint do
  MetadataJsonLint.parse('metadata.json') do |options|
      options.strict_license = false

Alternatively, set the option after requiring the Rake task:

require 'metadata-json-lint/rake_task'
MetadataJsonLint.options.strict_license = false



A big thank you to the contributors.

Making a new release

How to make a new release?

$ git diff
diff --git a/metadata-json-lint.gemspec b/metadata-json-lint.gemspec
index c86668e..6a3ad38 100644
--- a/metadata-json-lint.gemspec
+++ b/metadata-json-lint.gemspec
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ require 'date'

 Gem::Specification.new do |s|
   s.name        = 'metadata-json-lint'
-  s.version     = '2.4.0'
+  s.version     = '2.5.0'
   s.date        = Date.today.to_s
   s.summary     = 'metadata-json-lint /path/to/metadata.json'
   s.description = 'Utility to verify Puppet metadata.json files'
$ bundle install --path .vendor/ --jobs=$(nproc) --with release
$ bundle exec rake changelog
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Generated log placed in ~/metadata-json-lint/CHANGELOG.md