voxpupuli / puppet-nodejs

Puppet module to install nodejs and global npm packages
Apache License 2.0
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Node.js module for Puppet

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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with nodejs
  3. Usage
  4. Npm packages
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development


The nodejs module installs the Node.js package, (global) npm package provider and configures global npm configuration settings. A defined type nodejs::npm is used for the local installation of npm packages.

By default this module installs packages from the NodeSource repository on Debian and RedHat platforms. The NodeSource Node.js package includes the npm binary, which makes a separate npm package unnecessary.

On SUSE, ArchLinux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Gentoo, native packages are used. On Darwin, the MacPorts package is used. On Windows the packages are installed via Chocolatey.


What nodejs affects

Beginning with nodejs

To install Node.js and npm (using the NodeSource repository if possible):

class { 'nodejs': }

The default version installed is currently 20.x.

If you wish to install a Node.js 21.x release from the NodeSource repository rather than 20.x on Debian/RHEL platforms:

class { 'nodejs':
  repo_version => '21',

See the repo_version parameter entry below for possible values.


When a separate npm package exists (natively or via EPEL) the Node.js development package also needs to be installed as it is a dependency for npm.

Install Node.js and npm using the native packages provided by the distribution:

class { 'nodejs':
  manage_package_repo       => false,
  nodejs_dev_package_ensure => installed,
  npm_package_ensure        => installed,

Install Node.js and npm using the packages from EPEL:

class { 'nodejs':
  nodejs_dev_package_ensure => installed,
  npm_package_ensure        => installed,
  repo_class                => 'epel',


The parameter nodejs_package_ensure defaults to installed. Changing the repo_version will not result in a new version being installed. Changing the nodejs_package_ensure parameter should provide the desired effect.

For example:

# Upgrade from nodejs 5.x to 6.x
class { 'nodejs':
  repo_version          => '6',
  nodejs_package_ensure => '6.12.2',

Forcing the installation of NodeSource packages over native packages

When the native package version and NodeSource version are the same, you may need to use repo_pin or repo_priority (depending on your operating system). This ensures that the version in the NodeSource repository takes precedence when Puppet invokes Apt/Yum.

npm packages

Two types of npm packages are supported:

For more information regarding global vs local installation see the nodejs blog

npm global packages

The npm package provider is an extension of the Puppet package type which supports versionable and upgradeable. The package provider only handles global installation:

For example:

package { 'express':
  ensure   => installed,
  provider => 'npm',

package { 'mime':
  ensure   => '1.2.4',
  provider => 'npm',

npm local packages

nodejs::npm is used for the local installation of npm packages. It attempts to support all of the npm install <package> combinations shown in the npm install docs except version ranges. The title simply must be a unique, arbitrary value.


Install the express package published on the npm registry to /opt/packages:

nodejs::npm { 'express from the npm registry':
  ensure  => 'present',
  package => 'express',
  target  => '/opt/packages',

or the lazy way:

nodejs::npm { 'express':
  target  => '/opt/packages',

Install the express package as user foo:

nodejs::npm { 'express install as user foo':
  ensure  => 'present',
  package => 'express',
  target  => '/opt/packages',
  user    => 'foo',

Install a specific version of express to /opt/packages:

nodejs::npm { 'express version 2.5.9 from the npm registry':
  ensure  => '2.5.9',
  package => 'express',
  target  => '/opt/packages',

Install the latest version of express to /opt/packages:

nodejs::npm { 'express latest from the npm registry':
  ensure  => 'latest',
  package => 'express',
  target  => '/opt/packages',

Install express from GitHub to /opt/packages:

nodejs::npm { 'express from GitHub':
  ensure  => 'present',
  package => 'express',
  source  => 'strongloop/express',
  target  => '/opt/packages',

Install express from a remote git repository to /opt/packages:

nodejs::npm { 'express from a git repository':
  ensure  => 'present',
  package => 'express',
  source  => 'git+https://git@github.com/strongloop/expressjs.git',
  target  => '/opt/packages',

Install express from a remote tarball to /opt/packages:

nodejs::npm { 'express from a remote tarball':
  ensure  => 'present',
  package => 'express',
  source  => 'https://server.domain/express.tgz',
  target  => '/opt/packages',

Install tagged packages:

nodejs::npm { 'my beta tagged package':
  ensure  => 'beta',
  package => 'mypackage',
  target  => '/opt/packages',

Install a package from the registry associated with a specific scope:

nodejs::npm { 'package_name from @scope_name':
  ensure  => 'present',
  package => '@scope_name/package_name',
  target  => '/opt/packages',

Install express from a local tarball to /opt/packages:

nodejs::npm { 'express from a local tarball':
  ensure  => 'present',
  package => 'express',
  source  => '/local/repository/npm_packages/express.tgz',
  target  => '/opt/packages',

Install express with --save-dev --no-bin-links passed to npm install:

nodejs::npm { 'express with options':
  ensure          => 'present',
  package         => 'express',
  install_options => ['--save-dev', '--no-bin-links'],
  target          => '/opt/packages',

Install dependencies from package.json:

nodejs::npm { 'serverapp':
  ensure           => 'present',
  target           => '/opt/serverapp',
  use_package_json => true,

Uninstall any versions of express in /opt/packages regardless of source:

nodejs::npm { 'remove all express packages':
  ensure  => 'absent',
  package => 'express',
  target  => '/opt/packages',

Uninstall dependencies from package.json:

nodejs::npm { 'serverapp':
  ensure           => 'absent',
  target           => '/opt/serverapp',
  use_package_json => true,


nodejs::npm::global_config_entry can be used to set/remove global npm configuration settings.

Note that when specifying a URL, such as registry, NPM will add a trailing slash when it stores the config. You must specify a trailing slash in your URL or the code will not be idempotent.


nodejs::npm::global_config_entry { 'proxy':
  ensure => 'present',
  value  => 'http://proxy.company.com:8080/',
nodejs::npm::global_config_entry { 'dev':
  ensure => 'present',
  value  => 'true',

Delete the key from all configuration files:

nodejs::npm::global_config_entry { 'color':
  ensure => 'absent',

If a global_config_entry of proxy or https-proxy is specified, this will be applied before the local installation of npm packages using nodejs::npm.


See metadata.json for supported operating systems.

Module dependencies

This modules uses puppetlabs-apt for the management of the NodeSource repository. If using an operating system of the Debian-based family, you will need to ensure that puppetlabs-apt version 4.4.0 or above is installed.

If using CentOS/RHEL and you wish to install Node.js from EPEL rather than from the NodeSource repository, you will need to ensure puppet-epel is installed and is applied before this module.

If using Gentoo, you will need to ensure gentoo-portage is installed.

If using Windows, you will need to ensure that puppetlabs-chocolatey is installed.

nodejs::npm has the ability to fetch npm packages from Git sources. If you wish to use this functionality, Git needs to be installed and be in the PATH.
