voxpupuli / puppet-vmwaretools

Puppet module to manage VMware Operating System Specific Packages for VMware tools installation.
Apache License 2.0
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vmwaretools::ntp exec resource needs subscribe for refresh to work. #19

Closed pearcec closed 9 years ago

pearcec commented 10 years ago

Hi, I tried to get the timesync to kick off. But reading through the code I am fairly certain the "refreshonly" will only work with a subscribe or a notice.

    subscribe   => Package[$::vmwaretools::package_real],
razorsedge commented 10 years ago

Correct. As per the sample code in manifests/ntp.pp:

include ::vmwaretools
include ::vmwaretools::ntp
class { '::ntp':
  notify => $::virtual ? {
    'vmware' => Class['::vmwaretools::ntp'],
    default  => undef,