voxpupuli / puppet-vmwaretools

Puppet module to manage VMware Operating System Specific Packages for VMware tools installation.
Apache License 2.0
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VMware Tools Operating System Specific Packages

Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with this module
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This Puppet module manages the installation and configuration of the Operating System Specific Packages for VMware Tools. This allows you to use your operating system's native tools to install and update the VMware Tools.

Module Description

This Puppet module manages the installation and configuration of the Operating System Specific Packages for VMware Tools. OSPs are an alternative to the existing mechanism used to install VMware Tools through the VMware vSphere™ Client. With OSPs you can use the native update mechanisms of your operating system to download, install, and manage VMware Tools. With OSPs you can manage VMware Tools from the virtual machine as you would other standard software. VMware Tools OSPs occupy a smaller amount of disk space than the tar installer used with vSphere Client, which makes package installation or uninstallation fast.


What this module affects


You need to be running a virtual machine on the VMware platform and on an operating system supported by VMware's OSPs for this module to do anything.

Beginning with this module

It is safe for all nodes to use this declaration. Any non-VMware or unsupported system will skip installtion of the tools.

include ::vmwaretools


Deprecation Warning


class { '::vmwaretools':
  yum_server            => 'http://server.example.lan',
  yum_path              => '/dir/v2.3.0',
  just_prepend_yum_path => true,

would become this:

class { '::vmwaretools':
  reposerver            => 'http://server.example.lan',
  repopath              => '/dir/v2.3.0',
  just_prepend_repopath => true,


All interaction with the vmwaretools module can be done through the main vmwaretools class. This means you can simply toggle the options in ::vmwaretools to have full functionality of the module.

To set the version to install, set the following parameter:

class { '::vmwaretools':
  tools_version => '4.0u3',

Mirror packages.vmware.com to a local host and point the vmwaretools class at it.

class { '::vmwaretools':
  reposerver            => 'http://server.example.lan',
  repopath              => '/dir/v2.3.0',
  just_prepend_repopath => true,

Turn off configuration of the software repository so that some other tool (ie RHN Satellite) or class can take care of it.

class { '::vmwaretools':
  manage_repository => false,



Public Classes

Private Classes

Class: vmwaretools

Main class, includes all other classes.


Class: vmwaretools::ntp

This class handles turning off syncTime via the vmware-tools API and should be accompanied by a running NTP daemon on the guest.




OS Support:

VMware Tools Operating System Specific Packages official supported guest operating systems are available for these operating systems:




Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for information on how to contribute.

Copyright (C) 2012 Mike Arnold mike@razorsedge.org

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

razorsedge/puppet-vmwaretools on GitHub

razorsedge/vmwaretools on Puppet Forge