vr4vet / Blue-Sector

Virtual Reality app for exploring blue sector workplaces and professions.
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

Blue Sector

Virtual Reality app for exploring blue sector workplaces and professions.

Check out the docs!

License Build


Getting started

  1. Ensure Unity 2021.3.5f1 is installed
  2. git clone git@github.com:vr4vet/Blue-Sector.git
  3. Obtain and download BNG framework and put it in the Assets/ folder
  4. Obtain FishMerd component and put it in the Assets/FishFeeding/Components/ folder


Check out our Wiki to find more complete documentation.


Check out our CONRIBUTING file to see how you can contribute



This project strives to follow the conventional commits standard for commit messages. In an effort to make this specification more convenient to follow, we include a gitmessage template.

To use this template, ensure you are in the root of the project and run the command:

git config commit.template .gitmessage

This will set your local gitmessage template to the included file. If the -m flag is used when issuing a commit the template will be ignored. It is also worth mentioning that the project implements a commit message linter, which will check your commit messages against the conventional commits standard when you push to, or create a pull request against, the main or develop branches.


Given that this is a unity project, it includes a lot of large texture, model, and general media files. To speed up pushing, pulling, and development - as well as saving storage - we utilise git LFS. Please ensure that you install the git LFS extension, and initiate it in your local repository with:

git lfs install

We have experienced reports of issues with LFS in the project. If you get an error resembling:

"Encountered x files that should have been pointers, but werent"

run these commands in order:

git lfs uninstall
git reset --hard
git lfs install
git lfs pull

For a more complete explanation of LFS, see here.

If you get the previous error when running "git reset --hard", then run these commands in order:

git rm --cached -r .
git reset --hard
git rm .gitattributes
git reset .
git checkout .

For more information on this particular problem, see here.