vrdevman / MilkVr-UMS-BatchMVRL

Create MilkVR .mvrl files from the Universal Media Server
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Create MilkVR .mvrl files for Universal Media Server (Windows)

Note: This was a quick and easy project. Improvements can definitely be made, but functionality is there. This app parses HTML from the UMS web interface to locate all video files. With a couple tweaks it should also work for other dlna servers with a web interface that can be parsed easily.

This application requires Universal Media Server and the web interface running.

Universal Media Server should also have transcoding disabled to allow seeking functionality

Required files:

  1. MilkVrBatch-DLNA.jar
  2. dlna.config
  3. createMVRL.cmd


  1. Ensure UMS is running + web interface (http://www.universalmediaserver.com/)
  2. Setting in UMS Navigation Share/Settings : Disable 'Hide file extensions' (you want to know its a .mp4)
  3. Setting in UMS Navigation Share/Settings : Enable "hide Empty folder', 'hide the cache folder', 'hide the transcode folder', 'hide the new media folder'
  4. connect to UMS web interface. Default address= http://\<serverIP>:9001/
  5. Browse until you find the desired media folder (example: http://\<serverIP>:9001/browse/2918)
  6. modify dlna.config file as needed.
    • webPort is the server port used to access the web interface (default 9001)
    • dlnaPort is the server port used to play files over dlna (default 5001)
    • folderUrl = desired media folder (example: browse/2918)
    • overrideIP = ip address of server (example: only needed if server is not localhost
  7. run createMVRL.cmd
  8. mvrl folder is created
  9. copy new .mvrl files from mvrl folder to MilkVR folder on android (tip: create a network share on mvrl folder for easy access)
  10. Start MilkVR and run .mvrl files from sideloaded

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