vrk-kpa / opendata

Finland national open data portal (avoindata.fi) source code.
MIT License
37 stars 12 forks source link
avoindata ckan ckan-extension dcat-ap drupal-9 dvv finland hacktoberfest interoperability national open open-data opendata opensource

Avoindata.fi CircleCI Cypress Dashboard

Main repository for Yhteentoimivuuspalvelut (Interoperability services in Finnish). This service combines two related subservices:

The service is publicly available at Avoindata.fi. Free registration is required for features such as commenting and publishing of datasets. A developer sandbox is also available at betaavoindata.fi or betaopendata.fi.

Getting started

To try out the service, visit the sandbox/development environment betaavoindata.fi or the production environment avoindata.fi, and register a user account to create new datasets.

To get started in developing the software, install a local development environment as described in the documentation, and then see the development documentation.


Please refer to the documentation directory and API documentation.


Please file issues at Github.

List of CKAN extensions

:sunglasses: Name Description
:bookmark_tabs: ckanext-orgdashboards CKAN extension for creating organization dashboards.
:chart_with_upwards_trend: ckanext-matomo CKAN extension to integrate Matomo data into CKAN. Gives download stats on package pages, list of most popular packages, etc.
:tractor: ckanext-harvest This extension provides a common harvesting framework for ckan extensions and adds a CLI and a WUI to CKAN to manage harvesting sources and jobs.
:milky_way: ckanext-spatial This extension contains plugins that add geospatial capabilities to CKAN.
:watch: ckanext-realtime CKAN plugin which makes your CKAN site into a Realtime Data Portal.
:earth_americas: ckanext-dataspatial Dataspatial is a Ckan extension to provide geospatial awareness of datastore data.
:mailbox_with_mail: ckanext-requestdata This extension introduces a new type of dataset in which access to data is by request.
:bookmark_tabs: ckanext-orgportals CKAN extension for creating organization portals.
:mag_right: Data Solr Datasolr is a Ckan extension to use Solr for datastore queries.
:closed_lock_with_key: ckanext-cas CAS (Central Authentication Service) client extension for CKAN.
:dvd: ckanext-s3filestore Use Amazon S3 as a filestore for CKAN.
:bar_chart: ckanext-c3charts c3js based charts for CKAN.
:truck: ckanext-cloudstorage Implements support for resource storage against multiple popular providers via apache-libcloud (S3, Azure Storage, etc...).
:station: ckanext-dcat This extension provides plugins that allow CKAN to expose and consume metadata from other catalogs using RDF documents serialized using DCAT.
:speak_no_evil: ckanext-fluent This extension provides a way to store and return multilingul fields in CKAN datasets, resources, organizations and groups.
:japan: ckanext-mapviews CKAN Resource View to build maps and choropleth maps.
:open_file_folder: ckanext-odata CKAN OData support to connect to tools like Tableau.
:notebook: ckanext-pages This extension gives you an easy way to add simple pages to CKAN.
:earth_africa: ckanext-spatial This extension contains plugins that add geospatial capabilities to CKAN.
:fast_forward: ckanext-xloader Designed as a replacement for DataPusher because it offers ten times the speed and more robustness.

Copying and License

This material is copyright (c) 2013-2022 Digital and Population Data Services Agency, Finland.

CKAN extensions and Drupal components are licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0 whose full text may be found at: http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html

All other content in this repository is licensed under MIT License unless otherwise specified.

External services used during development

Some of the external services used.

Browserstack is used to test the service with different browsers and devices.