vrm-c / UniVRM

UniVRM is a gltf-based VRM format implementation for Unity. English is here https://vrm.dev/en/ . 日本語 はこちら https://vrm.dev/
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[MeshAttachInfo.cs:23] NullReferenceException on exporting 2022.3.6f1 #2318

Closed byeoon closed 2 months ago

byeoon commented 2 months ago

Environments (please complete the following information):

Describe the bug

I am unable to export my avatar to .vrm because of this error and I have no idea why it's happening.


byeoon commented 2 months ago

I manually installed 1.0 from the repository and I still get the same issue.


UniVRM10.ModelExporter+<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<CreateSkin>b__0 (UnityEngine.Transform x) (at Assets/VRM10/Runtime/IO/Model/ModelExporter.cs:310)
System.Linq.Enumerable+SelectArrayIterator`2[TSource,TResult].ToList () (at <de4a1a1490a74771a34fee0d1d586658>:0)
System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) (at <de4a1a1490a74771a34fee0d1d586658>:0)
UniVRM10.ModelExporter.CreateSkin (UniGLTF.INativeArrayManager arrayManager, UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] nodes, UnityEngine.GameObject root) (at Assets/VRM10/Runtime/IO/Model/ModelExporter.cs:310)
UniVRM10.ModelExporter._Export (UniGLTF.INativeArrayManager arrayManager, UnityEngine.GameObject root) (at Assets/VRM10/Runtime/IO/Model/ModelExporter.cs:139)
UniVRM10.ModelExporter.Export (UniGLTF.INativeArrayManager arrayManager, UnityEngine.GameObject root) (at Assets/VRM10/Runtime/IO/Model/ModelExporter.cs:31)
UniVRM10.VRM10ExportDialog.ExportPath (System.String path) (at Assets/VRM10/Editor/Vrm10ExportDialog.cs:310)
UniVRM10.VRM10ExportDialog:ExportPath(String) (at Assets/VRM10/Editor/Vrm10ExportDialog.cs:343)
UniGLTF.ExportDialogBase:EndGUI() (at Assets/UniGLTF/Editor/UniGLTF/ExportDialog/ExportDialogBase.cs:162)
UniGLTF.ExportDialogBase:OnGUI() (at Assets/UniGLTF/Editor/UniGLTF/ExportDialog/ExportDialogBase.cs:82)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)
byeoon commented 2 months ago

The fix mentioned in #2206 seems to work on 1.0, but I want 0.x because that's how to export to VSeeFace. Unfortunately that doesn't work because the code provided doesn't exist.

PolarGMCOfficial commented 2 months ago

womp womp

byeoon commented 2 months ago

womp womp

haha i fixed it

I went to version 0.112.0 and exported it there, although the only remaining issue is that I don't have blendshapes (??) image

ousttrue commented 2 months ago



ousttrue commented 2 months ago

This issue is expected to be exportable in v0.124.1.