vrtmrz / self-hosted-livesync-server

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CouchDB with Let's encrypt's SSL certificate for Self-hosted LiveSync.

What is this



How to Use

  1. Clone the repository, git clone git@github.com:vrtmrz/self-hosted-livesync-server.git
  2. Create Caddy's network: docker network create caddy
  3. Configure files
    1. caddy.handle_path_1: /e=_/* on docker-compose.yml
      You have to change this e=_ to something your favorite secret word.
    2. authentication_redirect = /e=_/_utils/session.html on conf/local.ini
      change e=_ too, as same as you changed on 3.1..
  4. Set environment variables.
name value example
COUCHDB_SERVER Your server's domain db.example.net
COUCHDB_USER The account name you want to access testuser
COUCHDB_PW The password testpassword
  1. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
    Note: If you using an arm machine, docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.arm.yml up
  2. Check from the browser, open https://COUCHDB_SERVER/e=_/_utils, and try to authenticate.
  3. Check from Self-hosted LiveSync, as like below
name value example
URI https://COUCHDB_SERVER/e=_ https://db.example.net/e=_
Username COUCHDB_USER testuser
Password COUCHDB_PW testpassword
Database name As you like test
  1. If you could access and use the database, docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml start to enable your server. Note: or docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.arm.yml start.
