vsalx / ams

University project: Appointment reservation system for dentists
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AMS (Appointment Management System)

University project: Appointment reservation system for dentists


  1. Er Diagram - https://www.lucidchart.com/documents/edit/753600ab-f40e-499f-aa96-ebd6d5eb805f

Environtment setup Without docker (Windows)

  1. Install chocolatey - https://chocolatey.org/
  2. Run the following command, but exclude tools that you already have
    choco install php git nodejs mysql composer -y
  3. Install Mysql Workbench or use the command line and create db schema ams, and a user ams, with password ams123. Give the user full priveleges to ams schema.
  4. Checkout develop branch from git
  5. Open cmd in the directory of the project and run
    composer install
  6. Find php.ini file, if installed with choco it should be in C:\tools\phpXX(XX is the php version) and ensure that ;extension=pdo_mysql is not commented out, by removing the ';' in front.
  7. Open cmd in the directory of the project and run php artisan migrate to create the tables in the schema.
  8. In the same cmd window and directory run php artisan serve and open localhost:8000 to verify the project is up.

CSS compile

We are using SASS so we need to translate sass files to css first. In the project's folder run the following command to translate your changes to css:

npm run dev

If you don't have npm, install it, and then run in the project's folder

npm install

NOT AN OPTION ANYMORE! How to run on Windows with Docker (first time only)

  1. Virtualization of the processor must be enabled. See point 4 of the following link: https://docs-old.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/13/html/Virtualization_Guide/sect-Virtualization-Troubleshooting-Enabling_Intel_VT_and_AMD_V_virtualization_hardware_extensions_in_BIOS.html
  2. Enaple Hyper-V in Windows: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/canitpro/2015/09/08/step-by-step-enabling-hyper-v-for-use-on-windows-10/
  3. Install and run docker - https://www.docker.com/docker-windows.
  4. Checkout develop branch.
  5. Open \ams\config\database.php and check if they look like this:
        'mysql' => [
            'driver' => 'mysql',
            'host' => 'ams_db_1',
            'port' => 3306,
            'database' => 'ams',
            'username' => 'ams',
            'password' => 'ams123',
            'charset' => 'utf8',
            'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
            'prefix' => '',
            'strict' => false,
            'engine' => null,
  6. Run 'docker-compose build' in the cmd in the root folder of the branch. Wait a lot of minutes.
  7. Run 'docker-compose up' and open localhost in the browser. Enjoy!

DB Maintenance with Docker

  1. Migration
    • open cmd and list docker containers with
      docker ps
    • get the id of the web server container and execute:
      docker exec -it {id} /bin/bash

      this will open the console inside the docker container

    • now run to begin migration:
      php artisan migrate