vsbuffalo / readphaser

experimental read phasing from HapCut
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readphaser -- separate reads based on mapping results and HapCUT data

Caveat emptor: readphaser was tested for use in Krasileva et al, 2013 and benchmarked using data from this project. In our tests, it phases many contigs where there is a sufficient density of variants and coverage. However, it has not been widely tested in other species and your mileage may vary. As with all bioinformatics program, check that your results are consistent with your own validation procedures. Also, I am quite busy nowadays so (as with all free software) there is no guarantee of support, but I will try my best.

pr.py takes phased variants from HapCut and a corresponding BAM file of alignments to produce:

Running ReadPhaser:

$ python pr.py -u unphased.fq -p phased.fq hapcout.out aln.bam



Please cite Krasileva et al, 2013.
