vseloved / cl-nlp

Common Lisp NLP toolset
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CL-NLP -- a Lisp NLP toolkit

Brief description

Eventually, CL-NLP will provide a comprehensive and extensible set of tools to solve natural language processing problems in Common Lisp.

The goals of the project include the following:

It comprises of a number of utility/horizontal and end-user/vertical modules that implement the basic functions and provide a way to add own extensions and models.

The utility layer includes:

The end-user layer will provide:

How to start working with CL-NLP

The project has already reached a stage of usefulness for the primary author: for instance, it supports my current language modelling experiments by providing easy access to treebanks and other utilities.

Yet, it is far from being production-ready. So, if you want to use it for production tasks, expect to bleed on the bleeding edge.

Otherwise, if you want to contribute to developing the toolkit, you're very welcome. Here are a few write-ups to give you the sense of the project and to help get started:

You'll also, probably, need to track the latest version of RUTILS from git.

For CL-NLP to reach v.0.1 that may be considered suitable for limited use by non-contributors, the following things should be finished (work-in-progress):

Technical notes


For development:


The license of CL-NLP is Apache 2.0.

Specific models may have different license due to the limitations of the dataset they are built with. Please see a <model>.license file accompanying each model for details.

(c) 2013-2014, Vsevolod Dyomkin vseloved@gmail.com