vshokorov / margin_based_ensembles_boosting

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Main scripts:

train.py: A script for training (and evaluating) the ensembles of VGG and WideResNet of different network sizes and ensemble sizes, for several times (e. g. for averaging the results). The script is based on this repository.

Training VGG on CIFAR100/CIFAR10:

python3 train.py --dir=logs/oct --data_path=./data/ --dataset=CIFAR100 --use_test --transform=VGG --model=VGG16 --save_freq=200 --print_freq=5 --epochs=200 --wd=0.001 --lr=0.05 --dropout 0.5 --comment width64 --seed 25477 --width 64 --num-nets 8 --num-exps=5 --not-save-weights

Training WideResNet on CIFAR100/CIFAR10:

python3 train.py --dir=logs/oct --data_path=./data/ --dataset=CIFAR100 --use_test --transform=ResNet --model=WideResNet28x10 --save_freq=200 --print_freq=5 --epochs=200 --wd=0.0003 --lr=0.1 --dropout 0.0 --comment width160 --seed 25477 --width 160 --num-nets 8 --num-exps=5 --not-save-weights
