vskode / ievad

Combine UMAP and interactive Visualizations to explore large datasets
MIT License
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IEVAD - Interactive Embedding Visualizations of Acoustic Datasets

Combine UMAP and interactive Visualizations to explore large acoustic datasets intuitively

ievad uses plotly's dash library to provide an interactive visualization for your acoustic dataset.

example of visualization

UMAP code provided by @avery-b

Best performance of this code is achieved using python version 3.10


git clone https://github.com/vskode/ievad.git

python3.10 -m virtualenv env_ievad

source env_ievad/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

mv ~/Downloads/vggish_model.ckpt ievad/vggish

python run_pipeline.py


Inside the ievad/files/raw directory is where you can put sound files ending in .wav or .aif and they will then be used for the creation of the embeddings and the visualization of them.

Embeddings can also be computed without visualizing them using python run_embed.py.

Once Embeddings have been created you can just run python run_plot.py to prevent the embeddings from being calculated again.

Edit the ievad/config.yaml file to change the paths to your needs.