vspinu / zotelo

Manage zotero collections from emacsemacs.
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Zotelo helps you efficiently export and synchronize local databases (bib, rdf, html, json etc) and Zotero collections directly from emacs.

Zotelo can be used in conjunction with any emacs mode but is primarily intended for LaTeX/BibTeX users of RefTeX.


Install zotelo from Melpa or put zotelo.el into your emacs path.

Install MozRepl extension for Firefox and start it (you can also configure it for auto-start).

Activate zotelo-minor-mode in LaTeX mode:

(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook 'zotelo-minor-mode)

Similarly you can activate zotelo in org mode if you use it to draft your LaTeX papers.



C-c z c         zotelo-set-collection (also "C-c z s")
C-c z e         zotelo-export-secondary
C-c z r         zotelo-reset
C-c z t         zotelo-set-translator
C-c z u         zotelo-update-database

In order to export a zotero collection you need first to associate it with the current buffer with C-c z c (zotelo-set-collection). Select *ALL* to export the whole Zotero library.

Zotelo uses IDO interface for the collection selection:



After modifying your zotero collection from the zotero interface, update the the local database file with C-c z u (zotelo-update-database).

Exported File Names

If the current file contains any of the following bibliography declarations:

\bibliography{file1, file2, ...}
\zotelo{file1, file2, ...}
\nobibliography{file1, file2, ...}

zotelo exports the associated Zotero collection as a file1.xxx file, otherwise it exports into [current-file-name].xxx. The extension xxx depends on the current translator (BibTeX by default). Use zotelo-set-translator (C-c z t) to choose the translator. To set the translator permanently customize zotelo-default-translator variable.

Multiple Databases and Collections

You can list several files in \thebibliography{...} list. The first file is the primary database which you set with C-c z s and update with C-c z u. All others are secondary databases.

Usually one database is enough, but for some projects you might want to use several zotero collections. Use zotelo-export-secondary (bound to C-c z e) to export any zotero collection into one of the secondary files. You will be asked to select a file and a collection to export. This way you can have as many databases and zotero collections as you want.


If for whatever reason zotelo stoped working, try to reset the Moz-Repl collection with C-c z r. If that doesn't help, switch to *moz-command-output* buffer. Normally you should see something like

....> ":MozOK:"

Also see the buffer *zoteloMozRepl*, this is a primary buffer where mozrepl outputs it's messages. Normally it should be showing only the startup message.

To further investigate your problem. Toggle M-x zotelo-verbose RET and try the problematic C-c z u. If case of an error, go to messages buffer. You should see womething akin to:

zotelo message on [Mon Apr  9 18:44:53 2012]
Executing command: 

(moz-command (format zotelo--export-collection-js '/home/vitoshka/works/disposition_effect/disposition.bib' 119))

translated as:

var filename=('/home/vitoshka/works/disposition_effect/disposition.bib');
var id = 119;
var prefs = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService).getBranch('extensions.zotero.');
var recColl = prefs.getBoolPref('recursiveCollections');
prefs.setBoolPref('recursiveCollections', true);
var file = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
var zotero = Components.classes['@zotero.org/Zotero;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsISupports).wrappedJSObject;
var collection = true;
var translator = new zotero.Translate('export');
if (id != 0){ //not all collections
collection = zotero.Collections.get(id);
out='Collection with the id ' + id + ' does not exist.';
prefs.setBoolPref('recursiveCollections', recColl);

You can execute this javascript within moz-repl.el or directly in firefox within a firebug console.