vsz / Cooldown-Overlay

Tracks cooldown for each key press.
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This script was made to be used with the Tibia Client. It tracks individual and group cooldowns and spell effect duration and prints it on the screen as an overlay. The overlay is transparent and you cannot interact with it with your mouse.

To use the script, some basic Python and programming is desirable, but not necessary. You only need to configure your hotkeys once and run the script whenever you want to play the game.



Action configuration

Actions are added to tracked list using:


Some examples:



actionList.append(TrackedAction('AoE Rune',TextColor.DGREEN,[CooldownGroup.ATTACK,CooldownGroup.OBJECT],ActionType.ATKRUNE,['3'],ut=UseType.CROSSHAIR,visible=False))

Group configuration

Groups are always tracked, and can be set to be visible or not using the 'visible' input argument. Examples of visible and not visible group:

Running the script

  1. Download the latest release zip file. Unzip it to a local folder.
  2. To run the script, you'll need to have python3 installed, as well as two libraries: pywin32 and pyhooked.
    1. It is recommended that you install pip to manage your libraries. If you have pip installed, you can open the command line, navigate to the script folder and type 'pip install -r requirements.txt' to get the correct versions of the libraries used to run the script.
  3. After installing python3 and the required libraries, open the command prompt, navigate to the script folder and type 'python cd-overlay.py'
    1. To configure placement of text and arc on screen, run the overlay on setup mode using 'python cd-overlay.py setup'
  4. Enjoy! You can also create shortcuts in the script folder with the same commands you use to execute the script on the command prompt.

Development Roadmap


For suggestions and questions, send a PM to /u/bunkbedlover on Reddit.