vuejs / vue-touch

Hammer.js wrapper for Vue.js
MIT License
2.72k stars 391 forks source link

This plugin is deprecated and not maintained anymore.


Touch events plugin for Vue.js. This plugin does not support Vue 2.0 yet.

This is a directive wrapper for Hammer.js 2.0.


This branch is only compatible with Vue 1.0. For the Vue 2.0 compatible rewrite, see the next branch


Direct include


Using the v-touch directive

<a v-touch:tap="onTap">Tap me!</a>

<div v-touch:swipeleft="onSwipeLeft">Swipe me!</div>

Configuring Recognizer Options

There are two ways to customize recognizer options such as direction and threshold. The first one is setting global options:

// change the threshold for all swipe recognizers
VueTouch.config.swipe = {
  threshold: 200

Or, you can use the v-touch-options directive to configure the behavior on a specific element:

<!-- detect only horizontal pans with a threshold of 100 -->
  v-touch-options:pan="{ direction: 'horizontal', threshold: 100 }">

Registering Custom Events

// example registering a custom doubletap event.
// the `type` indicates the base recognizer to use from Hammer
// all other options are Hammer recognizer options.
VueTouch.registerCustomEvent('doubletap', {
  type: 'tap',
  taps: 2
<a v-touch:doubletap="onDoubleTap"></a>

See Hammer.js documentation for all available events.

See /example for a multi-event demo. To build it, run npm install && npm run build.
