vuese / roadmap

Vuese2.x Roadmap
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Add Live editor (like in styleguidist) #1

Open elevatebart opened 5 years ago

elevatebart commented 5 years ago

If you end up building a website with vuepress, it can contain components. I would like to combine & to build a complete renderable website live editor like in styleguidist.

I was thinking that I could bring my experience to your project. The more options the better.

HcySunYang commented 5 years ago

These things are already being planned, but now I'm paying more attention to the underlying construction. The upper-level tools can use this project to complete the development. I have limited energy on my own, and your experience may be invaluable :).

elevatebart commented 5 years ago

I was hoping you could tell me in what package of your ecosystem I should start my work. Would it be the vuese-loader? or maybe the markdown it plugin?

Thank you for the great product.


Le 8mars 2019 à 00:37, HcySunYang a écrit :

These things are already being planned, but now I'm paying more attention to the underlying construction. The upper-level tools can use this project to complete the development. I have limited energy on my own, and your experience may be invaluable :).

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HcySunYang commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, there are only plans and no projects. Btw: In my plan vuese-loader does not meet the requirements you mentioned above.

elevatebart commented 5 years ago

I just found this: vue-live-preview the work is almost done, I just have to work it out.