vuese / roadmap

Vuese2.x Roadmap
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Vuese2.x Roadmap

Tips: Version 2.0 will be fully compatible with 1.0.

In the 2.x version, vuese will be managed as monorepo. Currently developed on the monorepo branch:


The goal is to provide simple and fast document generation for any project


Core vue file parsing module, you can use it to do any more advanced things

If something is missing here, thanks for submitting PR:


Generate a markdown string based on the result of @vuese/parser

Essentially, this is an example of using parsing results, but you can use it easily, and don't forget that we might be able to do more with the @vuese/parser module.

@vuese/loader & @vuese/webpack-plugin

@vuese/cli is a tool for quickly creating document prototypes that don't have a more flexible documentation solution. So this is why @vuese/loader and @vuese/webpack-plugin are needed.

Our goal is to focus only on the parts that can be automated, and does not limit how your document project is organized and what document framework is used. Of course, we can also provide fast solutions.


A webpack loader



A webpack plugin



@vuese/parser and @vuese/markdown-render's playground.

The goal is:

What needs to be done is:

Independent document project

Document site