vviers / ST444-Group3

Statistical Computing (ST444) group project - Parallelizing Optimisation Algorithms
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Statistical Computing (ST444) group project - Parallelizing Optimisation Algorithms

GitHub workflow :construction_worker:

From the command line, make sure you have git installed by running

git --version

Navigate to where you want to repository to live on your computer and copy it here by running

git clone https://github.com/vviers/ST444-Group3.git

Before starting to work, always use git pull origin master so that you are up-to-date with all the code.

Open a new branch so that your work does not erase everyone else's work when we collaborate (we can merge your branch onto the master branch later)

git checkout -b <name of your branch>

Open a jupyter notebook by typing jupyter notebook at the command line. Get work done :smile:

Push your work onto your branch:

git add .
git commit -m "my commit message"
git push origin <name of your branch>

Navigate to https://github.com/vviers/ST444-Group3, you will see a Submit PULL REQUEST button asociated with your branch. Click on it and describe what you did.

You're done!

Generating the report

To convert to pdf with bilbiography and table of contents, mae sure you have latest Pandoc and execute via command line:

cd path/to/ST444-Group3/report

jupyter nbconvert --to markdown Report.ipynb

pandoc --metadata title="Particle Swarm Optimisation" --metadata author="Group 3" -N --toc -V fontsize=12pt -V geometry:margin=1in --listings -H listings-setup.tex --filter pandoc-citeproc --bibliography=references.bib --csl=apa.csl Report.md --pdf-engine=xelatex -o Group3report.pdf

(The --pdf-engine=xelatex argument might be optional (in Ubuntu 18.04))