vvign / knxgate

Serial Knxgate Python Integration
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Serial Knxgate Python Integration on Linux

This Python Script permit to send command between serial usb UART Module knxgate (http://guidopic.altervista.org/alter/knxgate.html) to KNX Vimar bus. The script accept 3 arguments.

Usage: python3 /config/knxgate.py 0E 1 2A

1st argument: Line Address
2nd argument: ON/OFF Command
3d argument:  Device Address

Connecting through serial you will be able to identify argument sniffing telegrams:

1. Estabilishing connection to KNX Bus:
    minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200
2. Send Logging Message to knxgate:
3. Send ASCII logging mode command:

After send this command you will be able to se KNX Telegram on KNX Bus like this:

KNX[9]: CC
KNX[0]: B0 10 02 00 AA 69 03 D6 01 C9 40 09 2D 00 E6
KNX[1]: CC
KX[2]: 8 00 AA 10 02 55 03 D5 01 C9 40 09 FD
KNX[3]: CC
KNX[4]: B0 10 02 00 AA 69 03 D6 01 C9 40 09 2D 00 E5
KNX[5]: CC

Sending command between Python script you will show Telegram like this:

Snd[09]: B0 10 0C 0D C1 E1 00 81 FF k

The telegram help you identifying the argument needed by script to activate what you need on KNX BUS:


0D: Line Address (Argument 1)
C1: Device Address (Argument 3)
81: ON/OFF Command (Argument 2)
    80 = OFF Command -> 0
    81 = ON Command -> 1
    ON/OFF will be substitute by 0 or 1

More details about usage could be found here: http://guidopic.altervista.org/knxgate/interface.html

This examples show a syntax example to activate/disactivate a light device:

command_on: 'python3 /config/knxgate.py 0D 1 C1'
command_off: 'python3 /config/knxgate.py 0D 0 C1'

Is It possible to integrate in Home Assistant (HA) easily with the below configuration added to configuration.yaml:

- platform: command_line
        command_on: 'python3 /config/knxgate.py 0E 1 01'
        command_off: 'python3 /config/knxgate.py 0E 0 01'
        command_on: 'python3 /config/knxgate.py 0E 1 11'
        command_off: 'python3 /config/knxgate.py 0E 0 11'

This configuration enable switch entities to HA and than you can control activation/deactivation between HA Interface.

You can also integrate HA with Alexa (https://indomus.it/guide/integrare-gratuitamente-amazon-echo-alexa-con-home-assistant-via-haaska-e-aws/) and than you could ask to Alexa to activate/deactivate your switch/light/scene.

In HA you can create automation/group or also you can use Alexa app to easily manage knx devices.

Adding this configuration in HA:


- platform: serial
    baudrate: 115200
    serial_port: /dev/ttyACM0

can help you to analyze telegram directly by the User Interface in realtime.