vvmusiienko / react-native-speech-to-text-ios

React Native speech recognition component for iOS 10+
MIT License
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react-native-speech-to-text-ios npm version

React Native speech recognition component for iOS 10+

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-speech-to-text-ios --save

$ react-native link react-native-speech-to-text-ios

IMPORTANT xCode plist settings

Also, you need open the React Native xCode project and add two new keys into Info.plist Just right click on Info.plist -> Open As -> Source Code and paste these strings somewhere into root <dict> tag

<string>Your usage description here</string>
<string>Your usage description here</string>

Application will crash if you don't do this.


import {
} from 'react-native';

var SpeechToText = require('react-native-speech-to-text-ios');


this.subscription = NativeAppEventEmitter.addListener(
  (result) => {

    if (result.error) {
    } else {




componentWillUnmount() {
  if (this.subscription != null) {
    this.subscription = null;

To stop recording call SpeechToText.finishRecognition() but after that you can continue to receive event with final recognition results. The events will not arrive after result.isFinal == true. Call SpeechToText.stopRecognition() to cancel current recognition task. The result objects reflects Apple SFSpeechRecognitionResult class.

Use this link to reference error codes https://developer.nuance.com/public/Help/DragonMobileSDKReference_iOS/Error-codes.html