vvuk / idlebind

WebIDL to Emscripten bindings generator
MIT License
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idlebind is a WebIDL JavaScript-to-C++ bindings generator. It does not generate C++ headers; rather, it expects that the WebIDL describes methods and properties available on a particular C++ class and makes those accessible in JavaScript.

It has support for callbacks, shared_ptr<T> memory management, value types, static methods and properties, and other features.

It is still a work in progress.

Setup & Usage

idlebind uses a few node.js packages. A simple npm install is sufficient. It is not currently published to npm.

To generate bindings:

node idlebind.js source.idl out-gen

This will process source.idl and generate bindings for all interfaces to out-gen.js and out-gen.cpp. The JS file provides the JavaScript side interfaces, while the cpp file must be built along with the rest of the project and provides glue code.


Shared Pointers

If an interface has the [SharedPtr] attribute, it is allocated and always referend via a std::shared_ptr. Instances are passed to C++ code as const std::shared_ptr<Type>, and returned as std::shared_ptr<Type>.

Value Types

Interfaces can be declared to be value types by including the [Value] attribute on the interface. Such interfaces are not allowed to contain anything but simple data members. They are passed to C++ code as const Type&, and returned as Type. Additionally, they do not occupy any space on the C++ heap -- their values live only in JS, and are copied to/from temporary objects as needed during calls.


Callbacks defined in the IDL can be passed as simple JavaScript functions. The C++ receives these functions with appropriate parameter conversions as defined in the IDL. In C++ code, they are const std::function<ReturnType(Args...)>& paramenters.


See test/test.idl, test/test.cpp, and test/test.js for an example of how to write IDL corresponding to the classes defined in test.cpp, and how to use the resulting JS classes.


idlebind is (C) 2017 Unity Technologies. It is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.