vye16 / slahmr

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Decoupling Human and Camera Motion from Videos in the Wild

Official PyTorch implementation of the paper Decoupling Human and Camera Motion from Videos in the Wild

Project page | ArXiv

You can run SLAHMR in Google Colab


Getting started

This code was tested on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and requires a CUDA-capable GPU.

  1. Clone repository and submodules

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/vye16/slahmr.git

    or initialize submodules if already cloned

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Set up conda environment. Run

    source install_conda.sh

    Alternatively, you can also create a virtualenv environment:

    source install_pip.sh
    We also include the following steps for trouble-shooting. * Create environment ``` conda env create -f env.yaml conda activate slahmr ``` We use PyTorch 1.13.0 with CUDA 11.7. Please modify according to your setup; we've tested successfully for PyTorch 1.11 as well. We've also included `env_build.yaml` to speed up installation using already-solved dependencies, though it might not be compatible with your CUDA driver. * Install PHALP ``` pip install phalp[all]@git+https://github.com/brjathu/PHALP.git ``` * Install current source repo ``` pip install -e . ``` * Install ViTPose ``` pip install -v -e third-party/ViTPose ``` * Install DROID-SLAM (will take a while) ``` cd third-party/DROID-SLAM python setup.py install ```
  3. Download models from here. Run



    gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1GXAd-45GzGYNENKgQxFQ4PHrBp8wDRlW
    unzip -q slahmr_dependencies.zip
    rm slahmr_dependencies.zip

    All models and checkpoints should have been unpacked in _DATA.

Fitting to an RGB video:

For a custom video, you can edit the config file: slahmr/confs/data/video.yaml. Then, from the slahmr directory, you can run:

python run_opt.py data=video run_opt=True run_vis=True

We use hydra to launch experiments, and all parameters can be found in slahmr/confs/config.yaml. If you would like to update any aspect of logging or optimization tuning, update the relevant config files.

By default, we will log each run to outputs/video-val/<DATE>/<VIDEO_NAME>. Each stage of optimization will produce a separate subdirectory, each of which will contain outputs saved throughout the optimization and rendered videos of the final result for that stage of optimization. The motion_chunks directory contains the outputs of the final stage of optimization, root_fit and smooth_fit contain outputs of short, intermediate stages of optimization, and init contains the initialized outputs before optimization.

We've provided a run_vis.py script for running visualization from logs after optimization. From the slahmr directory, run

python run_vis.py --log_root <LOG_ROOT>

and it will visualize all log subdirectories in <LOG_ROOT>. Each output npz file will contain the SMPL parameters for all optimized people, the camera intrinsics and extrinsics. The motion_chunks output will contain additional predictions from the motion prior. Please see run_vis.py for how to extract the people meshes from the output parameters.

Fitting to specific datasets:

We provide configurations for dataset formats in slahmr/confs/data:

  1. Posetrack in slahmr/confs/data/posetrack.yaml
  2. Egobody in slahmr/confs/data/egobody.yaml
  3. 3DPW in slahmr/confs/data/3dpw.yaml
  4. Custom video in slahmr/confs/data/video.yaml

Please make sure to update all paths to data in the config files.

We include tools to both process existing datasets we evaluated on in the paper, and to process custom data and videos. We include experiments from the paper on the Egobody, Posetrack, and 3DPW datasets.

If you want to run on a large number of videos, or if you want to select specific people tracks for optimization, we recommend preprocesing in advance. For a single downloaded video, there is no need to run preprocessing in advance.

From the slahmr/preproc directory, run PHALP on all your sequences

python launch_phalp.py --type <DATASET_TYPE> --root <DATASET_ROOT> --split <DATASET_SPLIT> --gpus <GPUS>

and run DROID-SLAM on all your sequences

python launch_slam.py --type <DATASET_TYPE> --root <DATASET_ROOT> --split <DATASET_SPLIT> --gpus <GPUS>

You can also update the paths to datasets in slahmr/preproc/datasets.py for repeated use.

Then, from the slahmr directory,

python run_opt.py data=<DATA_CFG> run_opt=True run_vis=True

We've provided a helper script launch.py for launching many optimization jobs in parallel. You can specify job-specific arguments with a job spec file, such as the example files in job_specs, and batch-specific arguments shared across all jobs as

python launch.py --gpus 1 2 -f job_specs/pt_val_shots.txt -s data=posetrack exp_name=posetrack_val

Evaluation on 3D datasets

After launching and completing optimization on either the Egobody or 3DPW datasets, you can evaluate the outputs with scripts in the eval directory. Before running, please update EGOBODY_ROOT and TDPW_ROOT in eval/tools.py. Then, run

python run_eval.py -d <DSET_TYPE> -i <RES_ROOT> -f <JOB_FILE>

where <JOB_FILE> is the same job file used to launch all optimization runs.


If you use our code in your research, please cite the following paper:

    title={Decoupling Human and Camera Motion from Videos in the Wild},
    author={Ye, Vickie and Pavlakos, Georgios and Malik, Jitendra and Kanazawa, Angjoo},
    booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},