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vytux_pages for webtrees 1.6 Readme

vytux_pages for webtrees 1.6 Readme

Released: October 2014

The readme contains the following main sections:


After the decision of the original author of the simpl_pages author to not support webtrees version 1.5 I have ported some of these modules to this version of webtrees.

This module is used to create additional resource pages to further enhance your webtrees site with additional content.


This module requires webtrees version 1.6.0 or later.


This section documents installation instructions for vytux_pages.

  1. Unzip the files and upload them to the webtrees /modules_vX/ folder on your web server. (Note: "X" = "3" at the time of writing this, but may change in future releases)
  2. Login to webtrees as administrator, go to Administration --> Modules, and find the module. It will be called "Vytux_pages". Check it has a tick for "Enabled"
  3. Next go to the "Menus" tab. Set the access level and position for the menu item to suit your preference. It will probably have defaulted to "Show only to managers".
  4. Finally click SAVE, to complete the basic installation.

If you now refresh your Administration page you will see a new menu item near the bottom of the left column. You will need to use that during the "Setup" part of the installation process.


Creating "pages" is much the same as creating FAQs. This module borrows a lot of the same code. The page contents are stored in the webtrees database, as "block settings". They are created by going to the "Vytux_pages" menu option in Administration (Administration --> Vytux_pages) then click on "Add pages".

  1. Give each page a title. Remember this will be used as both the menu item for this page and its display tab so it is important to keep these titles short.
  2. Enter your page contents in the main "Content" area. You can include any formatting you wish, images, links, pretty much whatever you want.
  3. Set the access level, to determine which groups of users can see this page.
  4. Choose which languages to display this page for. This is the same as other similar options throughout webtrees. Select NONE of the available languages if you want it to dispay in ALL languages. Only select single languages if you are aslo planning to offer a similar translated version for other languages.
  5. Set the page position, relative to any other pages you might have already created. This determines where on both the menu list and tabs this page appears. It can be changed later by simply using the "drag'n drop" feature of the page list on the Vytux_pages administration screen. The first item will aslo be the default when the main "pages" menu items is clicked.
  6. Use "page visibility" to set if this page if to be seen when viewing all family trees on your site, or just the current one.
  7. Click "Save" to complete this process and create your page page.

Optional changes

  1. Overall pages title: by default set to "Resource pages", this can be changed at row 319 of vytux_page/module.php.
  2. Menu item title: this is taken from the title of the module. By default it is "Resources". That can be changed in vytux_page/module.php, at row 39.
  3. Menu item icons: this module uses different icons for each theme, stored in the modules themes/webtrees (or clouds, colors, xenea etc) folder. If you want to use a different image, simply replace the one provided with your own, of an appropriate size for your preferred theme, but keeping the name the same.
  4. General design of fonts, colors, etc: change these in all or any of the simple_pages/themes/webtrees (or clouds, colors, xenea etc)/style.css file.
  5. You can add an overall heading to your "Resource pages" page. Add it between the apostrophes in row 316 of vytux_page/module.php using any basic HTML tags as necessary.


Unfortunately even though this module is based on simpl_pages it cannot transfer the existing pages automatically. Therefore you will need to delete the old simpl_pages module and then either re-create the pages or run this sql script over your database after enabling the new module.

UPDATE `wt_block` SET `module_name`='vytux_pages' WHERE `module_name`='simpl_pages'

Contact Support

You can contact our support staff by one of the following:

Email: for vytux addon support please contact me via webtrees [at] vytux.com

Forum: general webtrees support can be found at the webtrees forum


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