vyuh-tech / vyuh

Build Modular, Scalable, CMS-driven Flutter Apps
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Vyuh Framework

Build Modular, Scalable, CMS-driven Flutter Apps

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Vyuh is a framework to build CMS-driven Flutter Apps at scale. It gives the no-code flexibility to the Business teams (via the CMS), and the full-code power to the Engineering teams. This puts the right control at the right place without any compromise.

CMS is one of the many extensible integrations inside Vyuh. All integrations are managed as Plugins, which are standardized interfaces to extend the capabilities of the framework.

Why did we build this?

A common problem when building large scale apps is the need to stay modular as you keep growing the feature set. You also want different teams to work in parallel without stepping on each other. The typical approach of creating a single project and building all the functionality in it does not scale very well over time. You could break up the app into several packages but that still does not give you the clarity of who owns what. It does not tell you how to combine these packages to create the final app.

Additionally, Apps today are very content-oriented and need to be dynamic. This means your journeys, page content, themes, etc. should be remotely controllable. In other words, making your app Server-driven.

Separation of Concerns

Combining all these capabilities requires a holistic approach, which is only possible when you build a cohesive framework.

Vyuh is that framework.

It allows you to create the perfect balance of simple, modular components on the CMS, with powerful Flutter counterparts that take care of all the complexity.

The teams (Business teams) managing the content and experience don't have to worry about UI Design, pixel precision or performance and focus more on building the screen journeys and page content instead. The Flutter engineering teams handle the complexity of the components along with its performance.

This clear separation allows a phenomenal flexibility in building simple to large scale apps. It also gives the right tools to the right teams and makes them more productive.

Business teams assemble page-content and journeys, whereas the Engineering teams focus on the developing the design, performance and scalability of those content-blocks. This results in a gallery of blocks which the Business teams use to create the content of the App.

The Framework

The Vyuh framework has some powerful built-in capabilities such as:

The Building Blocks

The core building blocks that enable all of this include:

It is plain old Flutter with a fresh approach to building scalable apps.

Getting Started

Start with the documentation on the Website.


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The framework is FSL Licensed.