vzaigrin / UniversalStorageCollector

tool for gathering performance information from different storage system
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Universal Storage Collector

A tool for gathering performance information from different storage system.

This tool could extract performance information from:

This tool could output data to Carbon (Graphite) and InfluxDB. It is possible to output to different Carbon and InfluxDB servers at same time.


USC written on Scala and should be compiled by SBT. To add new Extractor and Output to USC you should add Classes for its and add reference to its to Extractor and Output classes. Keep file build.sbt and src and project directory. To compile use command sbt compile To assembly fat jar use command sbt assembly It's possible also to use IntelliJ IDEA.


To deploy USC:

To start use command /usr/bin/java -DUSC_HOME=/opt/USC -cp /opt/USC/bin/collector.jar universalstoragecollector.collector or create service description file.


USC uses one configuration file. This file keeps configurations for:

Each storage system desciption should has:

It's possible to use different extractors for same storage systems. For example, we could use VNXBlock extractor to get configuration parameters and VNXNar to get performance data.

If you plan to use InfluxDB, you should create database with dbname specified in the configuration file collector.xml

Internal details (how it works)

After parsing configuration file USC prepare list of storage system.

Each storage system has concrete extractor and output instance.

USC uses Actors System for parallel processing.

Each storage system is an actor.

Actors System send signal "ask" to each actor by its interval.

By receiving such signal each actor:

By receiving "ask" signal each extractor:

Extractor send each piece of prepared data in two data structures:

Carbon uses values from msg in ordered number to prepare header. For example, 1 -> ("server", "server_2"), 2 -> ("pool", "Pool 0") will be output as server_2.Pool_0 InfluxDB uses msg for creating fields in database.

Extractors details


VNXBlock uses naviseccli to get data from SP. Methods in common extractor parameters describe naviseccli command to use and list of values to extract. There two type of such methods: simple and flat Simple means that we get only list of values for asking instance. For eaxmple, values for SP. Flat means that we get a list of instances followed by values. For example, Disk id and it values. For each concrete storage system using VNXBlock extractor we specify methods (from global methods list) to use. For example, there are method "cache" for VNX1 and method cache2 for VNX2 in the global methods list. We will specify concreate method "cache" for concreate storage system.


VNXFile uses server_stats command on Control Station. Methods in common extractor parameters describe server_stats command parameters to use and type of result. Types could be:

For each concrete storage system using VNXFile extractor we specify methods (from global methods list) to use. For eaxmple, we specify methods for CIFS only for storage systems with CIFS


VNX Nar extractor takes Nar file from storage system and parse it. Periodical generating of Nar files should be enabled on the storage system. VNXNar extractor keeps name of last proceeded Nar file. When new Nar file arrived on the storage system, extractor takes it. Extractor proceed only last new Nar file, if more than one files are available. We specify names of measurements we need to extract from Nar file for concrete storage system.


VPLEX uses monitors created on concrete VPLEX system. There are no global methods list for VPLEX extractor. For concrete storage system we specify director name and monitor file name. VPLEX extractor takes last record from each monitor file.


VMAX uses reports running on the Unisphere server. Periodical generating reports should be enabled. There are no global methods list for VMAX extractor. For concrete storage system we specify SID name and path to report files.

EMC RecoverPoint

This is the less configurable extractor comparing to other extractors. We specify only baseUrl for REST requests in common parameters. For concreate storage system we specify version of the RecoverPoint software (for eaxmple, 4_4 or 5_0). From each RecoverPoint extractor gets data about clusters, RPAs and Groups.

IBM Storwize

This extractor uses CLI commands to get data from Storwize systems. This commands described in common part of this extractor parameters.

Some details are available here: https://vzaigrin.wordpress.com/2017/01/28/universal-storage-collector