w-vi / apib-mode

Emacs API Blueprint major mode
GNU General Public License v3.0
44 stars 4 forks source link

void-variable complication-error-regexp-alist-alist #3

Closed w-vi closed 7 years ago

w-vi commented 7 years ago

I'm getting the following error when launching emacs as follows:

emacs bar.apib

`Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist) (member (quote (apib "^(?:warning|error):.+?line ([0-9]+), column ([0-9]+) - line ([0-9]+), column ([0-9]+).$" apib--error-filename 3 4)) compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist) (if (member (quote (apib "^(?:warning|error):.+?line ([0-9]+), column ([0-9]+) - line ([0-9]+), column ([0-9]+).$" apib--error-filename 3 4)) compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist$ (progn (if (member (quote (apib "^(?:warning|error):.+?line ([0-9]+), column ([0-9]+) - line ([0-9]+), column ([0-9]+).$" apib--error-filename 3 4)) compilation-error-regexp-alis$ (eval-after-load "compilation" (progn (if (member (quote (apib "^(?:warning|error):.+?line ([0-9]+), column ([0-9]+) - line ([0-9]+), column ([0-9]+).$" apib--error-filename 3 4)$ (let ((delay-mode-hooks t)) (markdown-mode) (setq major-mode (quote apib-mode)) (setq mode-name "apib") (progn (if (get (quote markdown-mode) (quote mode-class)) (put (quote apib-mode) (quote mode-clas$ (progn (make-local-variable (quote delay-mode-hooks)) (let ((delay-mode-hooks t)) (markdown-mode) (setq major-mode (quote apib-mode)) (setq mode-name "apib") (progn (if (get (quote markdown-mode) (quot$ apib-mode() set-auto-mode-0(apib-mode nil) set-auto-mode() normal-mode(t) after-find-file(t t) find-file-noselect-1(# "~/Development/blueprints/bar.apib" nil nil "~/Development/blueprints/bar.apib" nil) find-file-noselect("~/Development/blueprints/bar.apib" nil nil t) find-file("~/Development/blueprints/bar.apib" t) call-interactively(find-file nil nil)

REPOST from : https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint/issues/350

w-vi commented 7 years ago

@cokleisli Please let's continue here.

w-vi commented 7 years ago

@cokleisli I can't reproduce it, what emacs version are you using? Also can you provide me with the relevant bit of init.el or .emacs file?

w-vi commented 7 years ago

Closing as there is no feedback, feel free to reopen.