w-vi / apib-mode

Emacs API Blueprint major mode
GNU General Public License v3.0
44 stars 4 forks source link
api-blueprint emacs-mode

[[https://travis-ci.org/w-vi/apib-mode][https://travis-ci.org/w-vi/apib-mode.svg?branch=master]] [[https://melpa.org/#/apib-mode][file:https://melpa.org/packages/apib-mode-badge.svg]]

/This should one day be a full fledged Emacs major mode for editing API Blueprint./

~apib-mode~ is a major mode for editing API Blueprint in Emacs. It is derived from markdown mode as API Blueprint is a special case of markdown. It adds couple of useful things when working with API Blueprint like getting parsing the API Blueprint and validating it. For this to work though you need to install the drafter executable first, please see [[https://github.com/apiaryio/drafter][drafter]] for more information.

Current status:

** Installation

~apib-mode~ is available on [[https://melpa.org/][Melpa]]:

~M-x package-install apib-mode~

or just download it and put somewhere in your load path.

+BEGIN_SRC elisp

(autoload 'apib-mode "apib-mode" "Major mode for editing API Blueprint files" t) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\.apib\'" . apib-mode))


** Usage

It has all the features of markdown mode. Visit [[http://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/][markdown-mode]] to see the details. To validate your API Blueprint or see the parse result just C-c C-x v or C-c C-x p respectively. It also provides some convenience functions: ~apib-valid-p()~ which can be used in a hook for example, ~apib-get-json()~ and ~apib-get-json-schema()~ to get all json or json schema assets in buffer called ~apib-assets~.

*** Keybindings | Key | Function | Description | |-----------+----------------------+----------------------------------| | C-c C-x p | apib-parse | Parse the API Blueprint | | C-c C-x v | apib-validate | Validate the API Blueprint | | C-c C-x j | apib-get-json | Print all generated JSON bodies | | C-c C-x s | apib-get-json-schema | Print all generated JSON Schemas |