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Video geotagging format (WebVMT) #113

Open tidoust opened 6 years ago

tidoust commented 6 years ago

The Web Video Map Tracks Format is a proposal for a text format derived from WebVTT that allows to associate geotagging information with a video, for instance to synchronize video playback with movement on a map.

The proposal was raised by Rob Smith (@rjksmith) and is being discussed in the Spatial Data on the Web Interest Group. See:

@rjksmith is working on an explainer document.

tidoust commented 6 years ago

@rjksmith prepared an WebVMT Explainer document

rjksmith commented 6 years ago

Plenary WebVMT Status Update

  1. Explanatory specification first draft now published to engage interested communities and capture the evolving solution here.
  2. Community outreach to the OGC Unmanned System Domain Working Group (UXS DWG) has produced an invitation to present at the OGC TC in Orleans, 19-22 March 2018.
rjksmith commented 6 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. The presentation to the OGC Unmanned System Domain Working Group (UXS DWG) was well received and produced valuable feedback.
  2. YouTube integration of the browser playback tech demo, using Google's IFrame API, has now been successfully completed. Embedded videos can be streamed directly from YouTube's website, with WebVMT functionality provided on the local site, as detailed in the explanatory specification.
  3. A new Crisis Response use case has been identified to enable the local population to document problems in a crisis area, for the benefit of relief co-ordinators, by using a smartphone app to record and share video information with accurate geospatial data in a common format.
  4. A video capture tech demo mobile app has been created in response to the open call in the CrisisHack 2018 event, held at the Geovation Hub in London, 26-28 April 2018, as a successful proof of concept and for integration testing.
  5. Community outreach effort is ongoing, with new contacts identified.
tidoust commented 6 years ago

Moving to Incubation following Spatial Data on the Web IG resolution during F2F.

rjksmith commented 6 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. The Area Survey use case has been updated to include rapid geo-indexing, using the small VMT file to index the large associated video file.
  2. Support for user-loaded local files (video and VMT) has been added to the browser playback tech demo, which allows files recorded by a video capture app to be easily viewed in a webpage.
  3. Progress was reported to the SDW IG at OGC TC in Fort Collins, 5-6 June 2018, including updates to use cases, technical demos and community engagement activities, and the presentation slides are available here.
  4. SDW IG responded by voting to promote WebVMT to 'incubation' in the W3C Strategy Funnel.
  5. Community outreach effort is ongoing, with a new website proposed to act as a focus for public engagement and as a platform for technical demos.
rjksmith commented 6 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Attended the Drone Futures conference on 13 June at Tech UK in London to engage with the drones community. Received good feedback on the WebVMT concept from manufacturers and users, with interest shown in the forthcoming website (item 1.ii), and identified some interesting new use cases.

    2. Made good headway with creating a public-facing website for WebVMT, to help engage communities, promote the format and encourage uptake. Planned pages include a features overview, several technical demonstrations, including YouTube integration, and a development blog.

    3. Created a Content Management System (CMS) plugin for easy integration of the WebVMT playback engine with the website (item 1.ii).

    4. Fixed a bug in the YouTube tech demo, resulting from anomalous API behaviour during pause.

    5. Identified a number of strategic and principal OGC members to approach regarding OGC Test Bed activities, as suggested at SDW IG meeting on 6 June in Fort Collins.

  2. Next Steps

    1. Complete the WebVMT website implementation, and go live.

    2. Use the website as a focal point for community engagement activities to publicise the format and to inform key players, particularly those who can help move it forward through the standardisation process, early adopters and those interested in suitable Test Bed work.

    3. Develop the WebVMT specification to address outstanding issues and community feedback, including new drone use cases.

  3. Help Requested

    1. Identify suitable points of contact in OGC member organisations - particularly strategic and principal members. Candidates include ESA, NASA, Ordnance Survey, Airbus, Esri, Geoscience Australia and Google, though other suggestions are also welcome.

    2. Find appropriate representation in the OGC Disasters CDS, as described in issue #1048.

6a6d74 commented 6 years ago

@rjksmith - looks like you're making good progress. Did you get any of the "help requested"? Additionally, I note that

rjksmith commented 6 years ago

@6a6d74 Thanks for following up on this. No, I'm awaiting responses to my help requests.

rjksmith commented 6 years ago

The community engagement website, proposed at the Fort Collins meeting in June, is now live at webvmt.org, with a features overview, blog and tech demos including:

rjksmith commented 6 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Established WebVMT community engagement website at webvmt.org - see details above.

    2. Refactored Javascript playback engine demo to support user-generated content loading.

    3. Added a new use case to the Editor's Draft for dashcams: Fastest Lap

    4. Added a mobile demo to the WebVMT website to display user-generated video with a map in a webpage, with downloadable sample content.

    5. Continued community outreach activities, using the WebVMT website as a focal point.

  2. Next Steps

    1. Identify more activities to help progress towards the standardisation track.

    2. Update the Javascript playback engine demo to the latest Editor's Draft.

    3. Create a draft implementers' guide, outlining the syntax as an API reference document to help early adopters.

  3. Help Requested

    1. Identify suitable WebVMT ideas to raise in the OGC Test Bed Ideas repo and determine which OGC members are interested in its development. w3c/sdw: Issue #1063

    2. @lvdbrink Discuss the proposed context for a WebVMT presentation to the OGC Defence and Intelligence WG and arrange a slot at their September meeting in Stuttgart.

    3. Identify suitable ideas for a WebVMT breakout session at TPAC in Lyons in October. w3c/sdw: Issue #1064

rjksmith commented 6 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Added a new use case to the Editor's Draft for dashcams: Police Evidence
    2. Updated Editor's Draft to include the TIMELINE block which links the VMT file to a media file: w3c/sdw: Issue #1035
    3. Community outreach to the Defence & Intelligence Domain Working Group has produced an invitation to present at the OGC TC in Stuttgart, 10-14 September 2018. Thanks to @lvdbrink for her help.
    4. Successfully recruited the first early adopter of WebVMT.
    5. Added MapBox GL API support to the Javascript playback engine.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Add data model and file format sections to the Editor's Draft.
    2. Propose a suitable topic for a WebVMT breakout session at TPAC in Lyons in October. w3c/sdw: Issue #1064.
    3. Update the Javascript playback engine to the latest Editor's Draft.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to help progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 6 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Presented WebVMT to Defence & Intelligence DWG and Emergency & Disaster Management DWG (including Law Enforcement and Public Safety DWG) at OGC Stuttgart on 10 September, which was well received. Thanks to @lvdbrink for her support.
    2. Registered to participate in the W3C Developer Meetup demos at TPAC in Lyon on 22 October.
    3. Presented WebVMT to the Media Timed Events Task Force telecon on 17 September, which generated useful feedback. Subsequently contributed presentation and indexing use cases to their GitHub issue and invited to participate in the Media Timed Events meeting at TPAC in Lyon on 22 October. Thanks to @tidoust for his support.
    4. Started the first draft of data model and file format documentation for the Editor's Draft.
    5. Integrated Ordnance Survey's Open Zoomstack trial data with the Javascript playback engine.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Propose a breakout session for TPAC Lyon, entitled 'Video Metadata Cues Including Geolocation', based on the discussion in w3c/sdw Issue #1064.
    2. Complete the data model and file format documentation in the Editor's Draft before the TPAC meeting in October - w3c/sdw Issue #1075, incorporating feedback from w3c/sdw Issues #1035, #1049 & #1077.
    3. Update the Javascript playback engine to the latest Editor's Draft.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to help progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 5 years ago

TPAC Breakout Session: Video Metadata Cue Support Including Geolocation

A breakout session was proposed at TPAC Lyon, 24 October 2018, to investigate the use of HTML timed text track metadata for geolocation support, with WebVMT as a particular use case. Requirements for the emerging markets are identified in the Editor's Draft use cases, also listed on the WebVMT.org website.

The key issue is whether existing metadata cues can provide support for general metadata, with a suitable identifier to discriminate different types, or whether a special type is required for geolocation support.

A collaborative approach was proposed between Spatial Data on the Web and the Media & Entertainment IGs within a Web Incubator Community Group activity to investigate this issue and prototype a solution.

Many thanks to all concerned for their help and support.

rjksmith commented 5 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Participated in the OGC Tech Trends meeting on 2 October 2018, and proposed adding WebVMT as an example project with links from OGC trends to activity at w3c/strategy GitHub.
    2. Updated Editor's Draft by adding Data Model and Syntax sections to allow early adopters to implement functions for importing and exporting VMT files.
    3. Proposed a W3C Community Group for WebVMT to support early adopters and provide a focus to help build an online community.
    4. Reported progress to SDW IG Lyon F2F meeting at W3C TPAC on 22-23 October 2018.
    5. Demonstrated WebVMT at the W3C Developer Meetup at TPAC on 22 October 2018 with Mapbox GL API and OS Open Zoomstack vector tiles.
    6. Proposed and chaired a breakout session at TPAC Plenary on 24 October 2018, which agreed to prototype a solution in a Web Incubator CG activity.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Establish a Web Incubator CG activity for prototyping a solution for video metadata cue support including geolocation.
    2. Update the Javascript playback engine to the latest Editor's Draft.
    3. Propose video metadata ideas to the OGC Test Bed GitHub to help identify requirements and sponsors for Test Bed activities.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 5 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Presented WebVMT to Blue Light Drones conference at techUK in London on 9 November 2018.
    2. Joined the Web Incubator CG in preparation for the video metadata cue activity proposed at TPAC in Lyon.
    3. Added two proposed experiments, with use cases, to the OGC Ideas GitHub:
    4. Started Editor's Draft document review to enable implementation by early adopters.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Complete the document review of the Editor's Draft.
    2. Officially form the WebVMT Community Group now that sufficient votes have been cast to create it. Many thanks to all our supporters.
    3. Update the Javascript playback engine to the latest Editor's Draft.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
  3. Help Requested

    1. Assistance would be appreciated to speed up creation of a GitHub repository in the WICG for the planned video metadata cue activity, which is still outstanding and is currently blocking progress on this issue.
chrisn commented 5 years ago

@rjksmith I have news regarding WICG and DataCue, can give an update on the next Task Force call on Monday.

rjksmith commented 5 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Completed document review of WebVMT Editor's Draft on 12 December 2018. Many thanks to all those who contributed.
    2. Thanks to @chrisn for advancing the Web Incubator CG activity to prototype a DataCue solution and for drafting a preliminary explainer document, which clears the way ahead to progress.
    3. Participated in the Media Timed Events TF telecon on 17 December 2018, which reported progress and invited contributions to the WICG DataCue explainer document.
    4. Attended OGC UK & Ireland Forum meeting at Geovation in London on 18 December 2018 to help promote WebVMT.
    5. Expanded the WebVMT Editor's Draft Data Model section. Many thanks to @lvdbrink for her comments and feedback.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Contribute to the DataCue activity in the WICG.
    2. Officially form the WebVMT Community Group.
    3. Update the Javascript playback engine to the latest Editor's Draft.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 5 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Contributed to the explainer document for the proposed DataCue activity in the WICG, including expanded structure, two new requirements and a summary of use cases. Thanks to @chrisn for his continued support.
    2. Partially updated the Javascript playback engine to the latest Editor's Draft.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Complete the Javascript playback engine update to the latest Editor's Draft.
    2. Officially form the WebVMT Community Group.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 5 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Updated the Javascript playback engine to comply with the latest Editor's Draft.
    2. Updated the prototype Android app to comply with the latest Editor's Draft.
    3. Continued to advance the proposed DataCue activity in the WICG. Thanks to @chrisn for his ongoing support.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Update the WebVMT.org website to comply with the latest Editor's Draft.
    2. Officially form the WebVMT Community Group.
    3. Begin interoperability testing with early adopters.
    4. Implement outstanding features documented in the latest Editor's Draft.
    5. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 5 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Updated the WebVMT website to comply with the latest Editor's Draft.
    2. Continued development of the prototype Android app.
    3. Continued contribution to the proposed DataCue activity in the WICG. Explainer document has been restructured for circulation among the browser developer community. Thanks to @chrisn for his ongoing support.
    4. Officially formed the WebVMT W3C Community Group to act as a focus for the online WebVMT developer community. Thanks to all those who supported its creation.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Implement outstanding features documented in the latest Editor's Draft.
    2. Continue development of the prototype Android app to add new features.
    3. Begin interoperability testing with early adopters.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 5 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Progressed discussion of video metadata formats. Thanks to @ogcscotts for his support.
    2. Continued development of prototype Android app.
    3. Started analysis of media metadata web search to tie-in with OGC Ideas proposals for video search by location and metadata.
    4. Contributed to WICG DataCue activity, adding unknown cue end time example code and media metadata search use case to explainer document. Thanks to @chrisn for his ongoing support.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Complete current development phase of prototype Android app.
    2. Begin interoperability testing with early adopters.
    3. Add media metadata web search use cases to Editor's Draft.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
  3. Help Requested

    1. SDWIG guidance on OGC TC meeting in Leuven, Belgium on 24-28 June 2019.
    2. Discussion of EC INSPIRE MIG workshop: making spatial data discoverable through mainstream search engines.
rjksmith commented 5 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Completed development phase of prototype Android app.
    2. Raised two issues in WICG DataCue activity based on gap analysis in Media Timed Events IG Note (published 16 May) to propose adding cue end time representing end of media and allowing cue end time to be updated. Thanks to @chrisn for his continued support.
    3. Resolved outstanding issues for forthcoming OGC TC meetings with SDWIG. Thanks to all those who contributed.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Test and release Android app.
    2. Complete media metadata web search analysis for OGC TC meetings in Leuven, 24-25 June 2019.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 5 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Completed media metadata web search analysis for OGC TC meetings in Leuven, 24-25 June 2019, and raised issue #1130.
    2. Participated in Media Timed Event TF telecon on 17 June 2019 to discuss proposed WICG DataCue design issues, and in follow up telecon on 19 June 2019 to discuss technical details.
    3. Presented WebVMT progress update to Emergency & Disaster Monitoring/Law Enforcement & Public Safety, Unmanned Systems and Defence & Intelligence Domain Working Groups at OGC TC in Leuven, 24-26 June 2019.
    4. Proposed and chaired a breakout discussion on video search with location in Spatial Data on the Web meeting at OGC TC in Leuven, 25 June 2019.
    5. Presented WebVMT introduction to Moving Features Standard Working Group at OGC TC in Leuven, 25 June 2019.
    6. Filmed and previewed a new WebVMT demo at OGC TC on location in Leuven, Belgium on 26 June 2019.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Summarise conclusions from Spatial Data on the Web breakout discussion and plan follow up actions.
    2. Test and release Android app.
    3. Publish WebVMT Leuven demo on website.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 5 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Presented WebVMT to the Standards Committee for Geospatial Information (BSI IST/36) at the British Standards Institute in London on 1 July 2019. Thanks to Peter Parslow for the invitation.
    2. Summarised conclusions of Spatial Data on the Web breakout session at OGC TC meetings in Leuven, 24-25 June 2019, and provided input to to OGC Innovation Program
    3. Raised new issues arising from the breakout session to discuss use cases and requirements for:
    4. Completed WebVMT Android app testing. Submitted to the Google app store and awaiting publication.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Publish Leuven demo on WebVMT.org website.
    2. Update tech demos on website to showcase more WebVMT features.
    3. Add metadata search use cases to Editor's Draft.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 5 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Discussed proposed DataCue support with web browser developer community in a WICG DataCue telecon on 19 August 2019. Thanks to @chrisn for his ongoing support.
    2. Presented a lunchtime talk on WebVMT at the Ordnance Survey headquarters in Southampton on 22 August 2019. Thanks to Stefano Cavazzi and Peter Parslow for the invitation.
    3. Updated Javascript playback engine on WebVMT website to showcase shape cues, including enhanced intro demo highlighting map features in the narrative.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Draft data sync model and syntax to synchronise arbitrary data, including GeoJSON, with video to support OGC Innovation Program activities such as those identified in the Spatial Data on the Web breakout discussion in Leuven, June 2019.
    2. Propose staged approach to engage web browser developers at forthcoming W3C TPAC in Fukuoka, Japan in WICG DataCue activity.
    3. Add metadata search use cases to Editor's Draft.
    4. Publish Leuven demo on WebVMT.org website.
    5. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 4 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Contributed to DataCue and "Time Marches On" In HTML breakout session at W3C TPAC in Fukuoka, Japan on 18 September 2019. Produced slides on modular development approach, proposed data sync design and WebVMT summary. Thanks to @chrisn for his continued support.
    2. Raised GitHub issue #1141 to propose WebVMT data sync design to synchronise arbitrary data with video for the web, including sensors and GeoJSON.
    3. Added metadata search use cases to Editor's Draft, identified in Spatial Data on the Web breakout discussion at OGC, Leuven:
    4. Scripted and started editing Leuven demo, filmed in June 2019, for publication on WebVMT.org.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Complete Leuven demo and publish on WebVMT.org.
    2. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 4 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Attended "You are here" lecture at Geovation, London on 23 October 2019 - part of the Benchmark Initiative on ethical use of location data.
    2. Completed Leuven demo, filmed in June 2019, which showcases WebVMT cues to present nearby points of interest and correct tracking errors. Published as mobile demo at WebVMT.org on 24 October 2019.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    2. Add AR use case to W3C Editor's Draft.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 4 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Attended "Never alone again?" lecture at Geovation, London on 26 November 2019 - part of the Benchmark Initiative on ethical use of location data.
    2. Added AR use case to W3C Editor's Draft for golden tutorial, proof of action and AR software development.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    2. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 4 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Attended "The map is not the territory" lecture at Geovation, London on 15 January 2020 which discussed representation, bias and inequity in location data.
    2. Investigated ways to participate in OGC Testbed-16, and identified Full Motion Video To Moving Features as a relevant activity of interest.
    3. Contributed to Using WebVTT For Bullet Chat discussion in Media & Entertainment Interest Group to help identify common requirements for CSS development with WebVMT.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    2. Investigate ways to contribute to Full Motion Video To Moving Features task in OGC Testbed-16.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 4 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Proposed work package in Full Motion Video To Moving Features task for OGC Testbed-16 to compare in-band and out-of-band metadata formats and evaluate suitability for sharing video metadata online.
    2. Updated Android app to comply with latest W3C Editor's Draft in preparation for publishing.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    2. Participate in OGC Technical Committee meeting in Ottawa, Canada, 2-6 March 2020.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 4 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Participated in OGC Technical Committee meeting in Ottawa, Canada, 2-4 March 2020, including GeoPose, Sensor Things, GeoAI and Moving Features.
    2. Continued development of Android app in preparation for publishing on Google Play store.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Contribute to Full Motion Video To Moving Features task for OGC Testbed-16.
    2. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
  3. Help Requested

    1. Guidance on how best to register a MIME file type for WebVMT through IANA.
    2. Advice on how to handle stroke and fill properties using CSS, similar to SVG, or who to contact about this.
rjksmith commented 4 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Presented WebVMT to Full Motion Video to Moving Features task kick-off meeting on 7th April 2020 in OGC Testbed-16.
    2. Participated in weekly progress calls for OGC Testbed-16 FMV to Moving Features task as an Observer.
    3. Continued development of Android app in preparation for publishing on Google Play store.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Create mapping between WebVMT and MISB 0903 VMTI metadata for OGC T16-FMV task.
    2. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
  3. Help Requested

    1. Guidance on how best to register a MIME file type for WebVMT through IANA.
    2. Advice on how to handle stroke and fill properties using CSS, similar to SVG, or who to contact about this.
rjksmith commented 4 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Continued participation in weekly progress calls for OGC Testbed-16 FMV to Moving Features task as an Observer. Identified mapping between WebVMT Path and MISB 0903 VTarget metadata.
    2. Presented WebVMT update & roadmap to SDWIG meeting on 28 May 2020.
    3. Continued development of Android app in preparation for publishing on Google Play store.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Create MPEG2 Transport Stream parser to generate WebVMT Paths from MISB 0903 VMTI metadata for OGC T16-FMV task.
    2. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 4 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Continued participation in weekly progress calls for OGC Testbed-16 FMV to Moving Features task as an Observer. Started work on MPEG2 Transport Stream parser to export WebVMT Paths, which currently parses Program Association Table (PAT) & Program Map Table (PMT) and verifies checksums.
    2. Presented brief summary of Testbed-16 FMV task to OGC Moving Features SWG meeting on 19 June 2020.
    3. Progressed discussion in WHATWG/HTML on TextTrackCue.endTime = Infinity to represent an unbounded cue, which is an important use case for WebVMT.
    4. Continued development of Android app in preparation for publishing on Google Play store.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Parse MISB 0903 VMTI metadata from MPEG2 Transport Stream to generate WebVMT Paths for OGC T16-FMV task.
    2. Revise proposal for TextTrackCue.endTime = Infinity.
    3. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 4 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Continued participation in weekly progress calls for OGC Testbed-16 FMV to Moving Features task as an Observer. Updated MPEG2 Transport Stream parser to export WebVMT Paths, which currently parses and validates MISB 0601 KLVs from MPEG2 metadata packets.
    2. Revised proposal to WHATWG/HTML for TextTrackCue.endTime = Infinity, including cue state analysis.
    3. Presented WebVMT progress in Testbed-16 FMV task and proposals for Testbed-17 FMV involvement to SDW meeting on 23 July 2020.
    4. Continued development of Android app in preparation for publishing on Google Play store.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Parse MISB 0903 VMTI metadata from MPEG2 to generate WebVMT Paths for OGC T16-FMV task.
    2. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    3. Propose WebVMT discussion for W3C TPAC in October 2020 - CG, breakout or SDW - with focus on moving objects & sensors APIs in web browsers.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track, including OGC Testbed-17 FMV.
rjksmith commented 4 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Continued participation in weekly progress calls for OGC Testbed-16 FMV to Moving Features task as an Observer. Updated MPEG2 Transport Stream parser which currently exports WebVMT map commands & paths from MISB 0601 KLVs in MPEG2 metadata packets.
    2. Contributed to Responsible Use of Geospatial Data discussions on 12 & 26 August 2020
    3. Established GitHub repo for WebVMT Community Group.
    4. Demonstrated WebVMT exported from MISB 0601 metadata using the WebVMT.org mobile demo to Testbed-16 FMV telecon, 27 August 2020 with drone videos.
    5. Submitted proposal for follow-on work to export MISB metadata with WebVMT for web browsers in OGC Testbed-17 for sponsors' meeting on 2 September 2020 with 3 use cases: crowdsourced evidence, aggregated streams & underground inspection.
    6. Continued development of Android app in preparation for publishing on Google Play store.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Parse MISB 0903 VMTI metadata from MPEG2 to generate WebVMT Paths for OGC T16-FMV task.
    2. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    3. Propose WebVMT breakout discussion for W3C TPAC in October 2020 with focus on moving objects & sensors APIs in web browsers.
    4. Raise WHATWG/HTML pull request for 'Unbounded Cue' based on previous discussion.
    5. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 3 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Continued participation in weekly progress calls for OGC Testbed-16 FMV to Moving Features task as an Observer. Updated MPEG2 Transport Stream parser which exports WebVMT map commands & paths from MISB KLVs in MPEG2 metadata packets, and completed contribution to first draft of Engineering Report - currently available to OGC members only.
    2. Demonstrated WebVMT exported from MISB 0601 metadata using the WebVMT.org mobile demo to Testbed-16 FMV telecon on 3 September 2020 using Esri truck video with Mapbox, and on 10 September to previsualise MISB 0903 VTarget data for tracking analysis.
      1. Proposed breakout discussion entitled 'video metadata for moving objects & sensors on the web' for W3C TPAC in October 2020 and raised issue https://github.com/w3c/sdw/issues/1194 to start discussion.
    3. Participated in Responsible Use of Geospatial Data discussions on 9 & 23 September 2020 and contributed User Perspective chapter text to Editor's Draft.
      1. Raised WHATWG/HTML pull request for 'Unbounded TextTrackCue end time' based on previous discussion. Thanks to @chrisn for his continued support.
    4. Presented WebVMT contribution to Testbed-16 FMV task (including demo) to OGC Moving Features SWG meeting on 15 September 2020, and outlined proposals for Testbed-17 follow up and TPAC breakout.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Raise bug reports on web browsers for unbounded cue pull request to help engage implementers.
    2. Prepare for proposed TPAC breakout session and raise WebVMT GitHub issues to guide and structure discussion, including for data sync, interpolation and moving objects.
    3. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 3 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Raised and updated WebVMT GitHub issues to guide and structure discussion, including for data sync, interpolation and moving objects in preparation for TPAC 2020.
    2. Updated Editor's Draft to add moving objects, interpolation & 3d co-ordinates and update data sync in Planned Features.
    3. Presented WebVMT Golden Tutorial and Virtual Guide use cases to TPAC Web of Things meetings on 7 & 15 October in collaboration with @ashimura.
    4. Chaired W3C TPAC public breakout session on video metadata for moving objects and sensors on the web on 26 October 2020 to draft a list of attributes suitable for a web browser interface, and discussed related issues including indoor mapping, privacy, search engines, weather data & frame synchronisation. Slides, minutes and conclusions are available online.
    5. Continued participation in weekly progress calls for OGC Testbed-16 FMV to Moving Features task as an Observer.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Raise bug reports on web browsers for unbounded cue pull request to help engage implementers.
    2. Finalise contribution to OGC Testbed-16 FMV to Moving Features task Engineering Report - currently available to OGC members only.
    3. Finalise contribution to Responsible Use of Geospatial Data Editor's Draft, including user perspective text and icon artwork.
    4. Find sponsors for proposed OGC Testbed-17 FMV follow-up.
    5. Add new use case to Editor's Draft for Virtual Guide.
    6. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    7. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 3 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Raised bug reports on Safari, Firefox and Chrome for unbounded cue pull request to help engage implementers.
    2. Raised Pull Request for unbounded cue support for WebVTT.
    3. Finalised contribution to OGC Testbed-16 FMV to Moving Features task Engineering Report - currently available to OGC members only.
    4. Contributed updated icon artwork to Responsible Use of Spatial Data Editor's Draft.
    5. Added Virtual Guide use case to Editor's Draft.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Find sponsors for proposed OGC Testbed-17 FMV follow-up.
    2. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 3 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Finalised user perspective contribution to Responsible Use of Spatial Data Editor's Draft.
    2. Finalised contribution to OGC Testbed-16 Full Motion Video to Moving Features Engineering Report D021.
    3. Raised deforming region support issue in WebVMT Community Group.
    4. Created time callibration prototype to demonstrate synchronisation of two WebVMT videos displayed in a web browser.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Create video about WebVMT contribution to Testbed-16 for OGC's YouTube channel.
    2. Find sponsors for proposed OGC Testbed-17 FMV follow-up.
    3. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 3 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Created video about WebVMT contribution to Testbed-16 for OGC's YouTube channel.
    2. Proposed WebVMT contribution to OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features task to build on Testbed-16 results and address Wild Fire and Counter Poaching use cases.
    3. Updated deforming region support issue with generalisation details in WebVMT Community Group.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Find sponsors for proposed OGC Testbed-17 FMV follow-up.
    2. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 3 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Established contact with OGC GeoPose SWG to progress WebVMT camera orientation design.
    2. Raised WebVMT Use Case and Two-Dimensional GeoPose issues in GeoPose GitHub repo to harmonise design with OGC.
    3. Updated Android app for release on Google Play store.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Find sponsors for proposed OGC Testbed-17 FMV follow-up.
    2. Participate in TechUK Geospatial Data event, 1-5 March 2021.
    3. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 3 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Published guest blog article entitled 'WebVMT: Making Geotagged Video More Accessible' on the Geo4Good day (5 March 2021) in TechUK's Geospatial Data week.
    2. Proposed alignment between camera orientation and GeoPose for WebVMT Use Case.
    3. Presented 'GeoPose With Video: WebVMT' as part of the timed GeoPose discussion with Moving Features and SensorThings at OGC GeoPose SWG meeting on 24 March 2021.
    4. Identified 0-0 use case for unbounded cues in WebVTT and proposed a cue syntax based on WebVMT.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Continue alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG on Two-Dimensional GeoPose.
    2. Add Web Platform Tests for proposed unbounded cue.
    3. Discuss unbounded cue use cases and proposed support in WebVTT with W3C Timed Text WG.
    4. Participate in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery kick-off meetings on 6-7 April and present proposed WebVMT contribution.
    5. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    6. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 3 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Presented WebVMT proposed contribution to OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery kick-off meeting on 7 April 2021 and proposed traffic camera use case.
    2. Added Web Platform Tests for unbounded cues: web-platform-tests/wpt#28394.
    3. Completed merge to add unbounded cue for TextTrackCue in WHATWG HTML specification on 20 April 2021. Thanks to @foolip, @gkatsev and @chrisn for their support.
    4. Raised issue w3c/webvtt#496 for unbounded cue use cases and proposed support in WebVTT.
    5. Discussed unbounded cue support for WebVTT in W3C Timed Text WG meeting on 29 April 2021.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Continue alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG.
    2. Continue participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery.
    3. Publish Android app on Google Play store.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 3 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Published the first ever WebVMT-compliant release on Google Play store on 18 May 2021 - a geotagged video recording Android app based on the webvmt.org prototype app - for capturing web-ready footage with dynamic location on a smart phone.
    2. Continued participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery and proposed autonomous vehicle use case.
    3. Continued discussion of unbounded cue support for WebVTT in w3c/webvtt#496.
    4. Continued alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Raise camera orientation issue in WebVMT Community Group based on GeoPose discussions.
    2. Investigate unbounded cue implemention in Firefox and Chrome.
    3. Continue alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG.
    4. Continue participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery.
    5. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 3 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Continued participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery. Created autonomous vehicle use case for tracking vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians from a dashcam, and tracking objects between front and rear camera views.
    2. Continued discussion of unbounded cue support for WebVTT and proposed generalised solution.
    3. Continued alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG.
    4. Presented recent WebVMT progress overview at SDW IG meeting on 24 June 2021.
    5. Discussed river discharge use case using smartphone footage on 5 July 2021 for inclusion in future OGC Testbed work.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Raise camera orientation issue in WebVMT Community Group based on GeoPose discussions.
    2. Investigate unbounded cue implemention in Firefox and Chrome.
    3. Continue alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG.
    4. Continue participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery.
    5. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 3 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Continued participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery. Presented autonomous vehicle use case for tracking moving objects from a dashcam and between front and rear camera views with a StreetDrone data demo showing vehicle trajectory exported to WebVMT in a web browser at weekly telecon on 5 August 2021.
    2. Raised GitHub issue proposing web API attributes for camera with location over time in WebVMT Community Group webvmt/community-group#6
    3. Continued alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG.
    4. Participated in Moving Features API discussions between OGC Testbed-17 and Moving Features SWG.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Investigate unbounded cue implemention in Firefox and Chrome and continue support discussions for WebVTT.
    2. Continue alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG.
    3. Continue participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery.
    4. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 2 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Participated in OGC Moving Features API discussions between Testbed-17 and Moving Features SWG on 14 September 2021.
    2. Continued W3C discussion on unbounded cue support in WebVTT and whether WebVTT could benefit from adoption of other WebVMT enhancements.
    3. Continued participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery. Presented previsualisation of StreetDrone data showing front-facing video footage with lidar detections exported to WebVMT in a web browser at weekly telecon on 30 September 2021.
    4. Continued alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Continue alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG.
    2. Continue participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery by completing WebVMT analysis and contributing results to the Engineering Report.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 2 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Continued participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery. Completed WebVMT analysis to track a cyclist (and other moving objects) from lidar detections captured by a moving autonomous vehicle and synchronised with dashcam video. Submitted analysis and results to Engineering Report D020.
    2. Continued participation in OGC Moving Features API discussions between Testbed-17 and Moving Features SWG on 12 & 26 October 2021.
    3. Continued WICG DataCue alignment discussion with Media & Entertainment IG at TPAC on 27 October 2021.
    4. Continued alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG. Contributed to standards landscape section of Reviewer's Guide and revised implementers' survey.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Continue alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG.
    2. Continue participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery by contributing to YouTube presentation.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.
rjksmith commented 2 years ago

WebVMT Status Update

  1. Progress Made

    1. Continued participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery. Corrected video sync error and completed revised WebVMT analysis to track a cyclist (and other moving objects) from video and lidar detections captured by a moving autonomous vehicle. Finalised results and integrated autonomous vehicles chapter with Engineering Report D020.
    2. Contributed video excerpt on autonomous vehicles analysis to Testbed-17 Moving Features summary video for presentation at OGC TC meetings in December 2021.
    3. Continued alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG. Contributed to standards landscape section of Reviewer's Guide and revised implementers' survey.
    4. Attended GeoEthics meeting at OECD on 30 November 2021 chaired by Olivia Powell (UK Geospatial Commission) and Emily Daemen (Geonovum) to promote ethical and responsible use of geospatial data, including W3C Responsible Use of Spatial Data.
  2. Next Steps

    1. Continue participation in OGC Testbed-17 Moving Features From Digital Motion Imagery by presenting a demo at OGC TC meetings in December 2021 and contributing 2-minute automonous vehicle video to OGC YouTube channel.
    2. Continue alignment discussions with OGC GeoPose SWG.
    3. Continue community outreach and identify more activities to promote progress towards the standardisation track.