wael-sudo2 / facebook-page-info-scraper

Free Facebook pages MetaData Scraping Library - Unlimited Calls
MIT License
21 stars 4 forks source link
crawler crawling-python data-analysis data-engineering data-mining facebook facebook-page-info-scraper facebook-page-information facebook-scraper facebook-scraping metadata python scraping-python selenium

============================== facebook-page-info-scraper

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facebook-page-info-scraper is a Python package that provides a convenient way to crawl information from Facebook pages. You'll have the power to scrape Facebook data with unlimited calls. Whether you're a researcher, a data enthusiast, or a developer building Facebook-related projects, this library can significantly simplify your data extraction process. It uses Selenium for web scraping and provides functionalities to retrieve page details such as page name, category, address, email, followers count, and more.

Dictionary Contents

This section provides an overview of the dictionary contents.

Dictionary Fields

- `page_name`: The name of the page.
- `location`: The location of the page.
- `email`: The email associated with the page.
- `phone_number`: The phone number associated with the page.
- `social_media_links`: Links to the page's social media accounts.
- `page_website`: The website link associated with the page.
- `page_category`: The category of the page.
- `page_followers`: The number of followers.
- `page_following`: The number of following.
- `page_likes`: The number of likes.
- `page_rate`: The page rate.
- `review_number`: The number of reviews.

This section provides an overview of the dictionary keys and types.

Dictionary Keys


Use pip to install the package:

.. code-block:: shell

pip install facebook_page_info_scraper


To use the package, import the FacebookPageInfoScraper class and create an instance:

.. code-block:: python

from facebook_page_info_scraper import FacebookPageInfoScraper

# providing the page URL
page_url = 'https://www.facebook.com/example-page'

# Create an instance of the scraper
scraper = FacebookPageInfoScraper(link=page_url)

page_info = scraper.get_page_info()

# Print page details

page_info = {
   'page_name': 'Example Page', 
   'location': 'Some Location', 
   'email': 'example@example.com', 
   'phone_number': '+33 536337',
   'social_media_links': 'www.instagram.com/example',
   'page_website': 'http://example.com',
   'page_category': 'Some category',
   'page_likes': '36,565',
   'page_followers': '38,225'
   'page_following': '120'
   'page_rate': '33'
   'review_number': '4.6'


To use the facebook_page_info_scraper with a specific user profile:

.. code-block:: python

from facebook_page_info_scraper import FacebookPageInfoScraper

# providing the page URL
page_url = 'https://www.facebook.com/example-page'

# provide location where Chrome stores profiles
profiles_path = r'C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data' # make sure to prefix the path with r'' to create a raw string 

# provide the profile name with which we want to open browser
profile = r'Profile 1' # make sure to prefix it with r'' to create a raw string 

# Create an instance of the scraper
scraper = FacebookPageInfoScraper(link=page_url, browser_profiles_path=profiles_path, profile_name=profile)

page_info = scraper.get_page_info()


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.