wakarimasenco / ChanExplorer

MIT License
11 stars 3 forks source link



ChanExplorer is an 4Chan browser for Android. It is designed to augment 4chan for mobile browsing, it has a similar purpose to 4Chan X. Currently ChanExplorer is no longer available on the Play store.


ChanExplorer development has been revived by Proplex. Follow the new repo and get the updated app @ https://github.com/Proplex/Leaf


ChanExplorer is available on F-Droid. Go to F-Droid (https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=co.wakarimasen.chanexplorer) to download the latest APK. Alternatively, you can download the F-Droid App, and install it from there which will also provide you with automated updates.


ChanExplorer was built with Eclispe and targets Gingerbread (API Level 10).


Build (Eclispe + ADT)

Assuming you are already set up with Android:

Eclipse Build Instructions

  1. Clone ChanExplorer git clone git@github.com:wakarimasenco/ChanExplorer.git
  2. Import ChanExplorer into your Workspace as “Existing Android Code into Workspace” (File > Import > Android > Existing Android Code into Workspace)
  3. Git Clone ActionBarSherlock@4.1.0 and SlidingMenu@7343c3cdc73. (ABS 4.1.0 can be downloaded here - http://actionbarsherlock.com/download, and for SlidingMenu you can run git clone https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu && git checkout 7343c3cdc73
  4. In SlidingMenu, delete the file /src/com/slidingmenu/lib/app/SlidingMapActivity.java
  5. In SlidingMenu, in the file /src/com/slidingmenu/lib/app/SlidingFragmentActivity.java replace extends FragmentActivity implements SlidingActivityBase with extends com.actionbarsherlock.app.SherlockFragmentActivity implements SlidingActivityBase
  6. Import the two projects into Eclipse using the same method as 2.
  7. Right Click the SlidingMenu project > Properties > Android > Library > Add
  8. Add the ActionBarSherlock project
  9. Right Click the ChanExplorer project > Properties > Android > Library > Add
  10. Add both the ActionBarSherlock and ChanExplorer projects.
  11. Use ndk-build to build the native libraries. cd {chanexplorer}/jni && ndk-build on OSX and Linux.

You can then plug in your Android device and build a debug apk.

After the following steps, you can simply export and APK, or run the project on your Android device. Open an issue if there are problems.


Simply submit a pull request to contribute. I would like to keep Gingerbread support as my Android smartphone does not support 4.0.
