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DairyCoPilot - Automated Data Analysis Tools for DairyComp Data Assets

Modern dairy farming requires substantial amounts of data and careful analysis to maximize profitability and cow welfare. Current data platforms such as DairyComp do not have robust health data analysis platforms integrated. Producers and consultants need dedicated tools to leverage data previously collected. The DairyCoPilot app allows users to rapidly extract health data from DairyComp and then provides an automated data transformation and analysis platform using only point-and-click functionality. DairyCoPilot allows users to rapidly identify problem areas and decreases the time needed to perform a single analysis. Increasing the speed of inference and improving the informed decision-making ability will improve cow health and dairy profitability simultaneously.

This Rshiny application was created to address these challenges by minimizing the time required for initial setup and reducing it to a button click for future uses. The app automates data processing and simplifies data analysis through a point-and-click interface.


This project would not have been possible without Dr. Gary Oetzel who provided the initial motivation to begin this project and whose previous work analyzing health data in DairyComp was an essential starting place. The Food Animal Production Medicine group at UW - Madison shared feedback and collaborated with us to utilize the initial versions of this tool in academic settings as well. We would like to acknowledge the multiple dairy farms that provided access to data and described challenges that helped align the tool to their needs.