walokra / falldown

Falldown is a cartoon game where you have to tilt your phone to make ball fall down quickly
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 0 forks source link

Falldown for Sailfish OS

Falldown is a cartoon game where you have to tilt your phone to make ball fall down quickly with rhythmic music. Don’t get squashed!

Falldown is originally developed for Ubuntu Phone by Riccardo Padovani, Michał Prędotka and Tyrel Parker. Porting for Sailfish OS done by Marko Wallin.

Code is available under GPLv3 for Sailfish OS on GitHub (https://github.com/walokra/falldown) and for Ubuntu Phone on Launchpad (https://code.launchpad.net/falldown).



Build Bacon2D (https://github.com/Bacon2D/Bacon2D) for Sailfish OS (armv7) $ cd Bacon2D/ $ git submodule init $ git submodule update


As usual.