waltergerych / advanced_gen_modeling_mqp_2022_2023

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"Advanced Applications of Deep Generative Models" MQP

Advisor: Elke Rundensteiner (, Graduate Mentors: Walter Gerych (, Joshua DeOliveira (

Incomplete, messy data is ubiquitous in real-world applications. The focus of this MQP is on generative methods to combat this issue and “fill in” incomplete data. Specifically, we will be focusing on the use of generative modeling to mitigate these issues in the Human Activity Recognition (HAR) domain.

This is your MQP and provides an opportunity to show off your skills. Whether your goal is industry or academia, the MQP is useful for applications. The Advisor and Mentor serve as guides during the MQP. While we will provide support and a general direction, we want all of you to bring your own ideas and seek out new directions.

Acknowledgments: This page borrows heavily from resource created by Prof. Tlachac.




You will receive an individual grade. There are tangible and intangible contributions to the MQP team. You will be assessed on your ability to:

  1. define and meet project and personal goals
  2. problem solve and use feedback
  3. work independently and collaboratively
  4. communicate
  5. synthesize information and make conclusions

Further, we want you to demonstrate:

Important dates


Below you will find links to various resources that may aid in your MQP. We will periodically update this as the MQP progresses.

Relevant blog posts

Relevant videos



Code Resources


Relevant papers

GAN Papers

Human Activity Recognition Papers


Week 1